[GNAP] New I-D: draft-pinkas-gnap-core-protocol
Denis <denis.ietf@free.fr> Thu, 19 August 2021 17:24 UTC
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Yaron (the chair of the GNAP WG) and myself have had a video conference call last week. At the end of this call, Yaron asked me if I could write an I-D that would summarize the main concepts on how to support an Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) mechanism. I have accepted. Since during that call, I mentioned that the current description of the protocol was both insecure and not interoperable, I indicated that I will provide a draft describing the main concepts on how to support both an Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) mechanism as well as a Capability Based Access Control (CBAC) mechanism, both in a secure and in an interoperable way. The draft re-uses many portions of text that I have provided in the issues that I have posted on Github. In order to understand the motivations of the proposal, here after is a quick analysis of draft-ietf-gnap-core-protocol-06. The charter of the GNAP WG states, close to its end : "The initial work will focus on using HTTPS for communication between the client and the authorization server, (...)" See: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/charter-ietf-gnap/ Unfortunately, draft-ietf-gnap-core-protocol-06 does not mandate the use of HTTPS for communication between the client and the authorization server and does not take advantage of the security properties obtained thanks to the use of HTTPS. This means that draft-ietf-gnap-core-protocol-06 does not comply with the GNAP charter. Instead, draft-ietf-gnap-core-protocol-06 makes use of "client instance keys" between the client and the AS and is mute about the relationships between a "client instance key" and an end-user. From oral explanations recently obtained from one of the co-editors, a "client instance key" is a key attached to a device owned by an end-user. How the identity or an identifier of the end-user relates to a device is left undefined. If an end-user has four devices (e.g. a laptop, a desktop, a smart phone and a tablet), he will need to register with the AS each of these four devices. This is done using "out-of-bands" means. If he looses one of these four devices, he will need to revoke the client instance key associated with that device and then, if he has not taken one of the three of other devices with him, he will need to register a new device (i.e. a new client instance key). Here again, this is done using "out-of-bands" means. All that information is not present in draft-ietf-gnap-core-protocol-06 and has only be inferred from the oral explanations provided by one of the co-editors. Furthermore, the client indicates (i.e. claims) to the AS the identity/identifier of the end-user. However, since the AS has no way to know whether the client software can be trusted, the AS cannot rely on that claimed information. This means that the client/AS protocol, as currently described, is insecure. In draft-ietf-gnap-core-protocol-06, the client instance secures its requests to the AS and RS by presenting an access token, presenting proof of a key that it possesses, or both an access token and key proof together. Such a protection is illusory, since a collaborative client is able to perform all the cryptographic computations that another collaborative client needs to claim to be the "owner" of the access token. With the use of an Hardware Security Module (HSM), the same situation remains. This means that the client/RS protocol, as currently described, is insecure. Does the description that is present in draft-ietf-gnap-core-protocol-06 allows to demonstrate that the protocol is secure? Unfortunately, the response to this question is negative, since the "Security Considerations section" is nearly empty. Does the description that is present in draft-ietf-gnap-core-protocol-06 allows to interoperate ? Unfortunately, the response to this questions is also negative, since the structure of the access tokens is left undefined. In particular, the verifications that a RS *SHALL* perform on the content of an access token to make sure that it is valid are left undefined. Currently, GNAP is a framework, like OAuth 2.0 (RFC 6749) and OAuth 2.1 (draft-ietf-oauth-v2-1-01), and is not an interoperable protocol. At the moment, draft-ietf-gnap-core-protocol-06 only supports "rights". In the security literature, this is a Capability based access control (CBAC) scheme. Since a privilege is currently described as being a right and/or an attribute, an Attribute based access control (ABAC) scheme should also be supported. This is not the case at the moment. I have successfully submitted and posted to the IETF repository an Individual Submission of an I-D. Name: draft-pinkas-gnap-core-protocol Revision: 00 Title: Grant Negotiation and Authorization Protocol Document date: 2021-08-19 Group: Individual Submission Pages: 33 URL: https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-pinkas-gnap-core-protocol-00.txt Status: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-pinkas-gnap-core-protocol/ Htmlized: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-pinkas-gnap-core-protocol *Abstract:* This protocol enables an Authorization Server (AS) to issue access tokens to permit an end-user using a client software to perform operations on a protected resource hosted by a Resource Server (RS). These access tokens allow to support capabilities and/or user attributes. The protocol includes means of specifying how the end-user can potentially be involved in an interactive fashion during the process. The client and/or the RS will use these interaction mechanisms to involve the end-user, as necessary, to take decisions. The protocol uses HTTPS for all communications between the client and the AS, as well as between the client and the RS. Being a version -00, this 33 pages document explains the main concepts but does not provide the details of the protocols. The document includes a Trust Relationships section (1.5) and both a Security Considerations section (4) and a Privacy Considerations section (5). The flow of operations for an access to a protected resource is illustrated in Figure 2, on page 26. The creation of RS user accounts is not illustrated on this figure but is explained in the text before. Denis