[Unbearable] tokbind - Requested session has been scheduled for IETF 99

"\"IETF Secretariat\"" <agenda@ietf.org> Sat, 24 June 2017 00:07 UTC

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From: "\"IETF Secretariat\"" <agenda@ietf.org>
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Subject: [Unbearable] tokbind - Requested session has been scheduled for IETF 99
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Dear Leif Johansson,

The session(s) that you have requested have been scheduled.
Below is the scheduled session information followed by
the original request. 

tokbind Session 1 (1:30:00)
    Monday, Afternoon Session II 1550-1720
    Room Name: Berlin/Brussels size: 100

Request Information:

Working Group Name: Token Binding
Area Name: Security Area
Session Requester: Leif Johansson

Number of Sessions: 1
Length of Session(s):  1.5 Hours
Number of Attendees: 50
Conflicts to Avoid: 
 First Priority: ace tls oauth secevent

People who must be present:
  Eric Rescorla
  Stephen Farrell
  Leif Johansson
  Dirk Balfanz
  John Bradley
  Andrey Popov
  Mike Jones

Resources Requested:

Special Requests:
  Key contributors are unable to attend on Friday. Please if possible avoid Friday scheduling.