[Unwanted-trackers] Re: Virtual Interim Poll w/o 21 October

Sean Turner <sean@sn3rd.com> Thu, 17 October 2024 13:56 UTC

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Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2024 09:56:06 -0400
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Subject: [Unwanted-trackers] Re: Virtual Interim Poll w/o 21 October
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Hi! Just a reminder about our get together this coming Monday.  Gabrielle Beck (aka Gabby) has agreed to describe in the ideas of the paper (listed below) and the advantages/disadvantages of the approach. With that said and if you have time, please review the paper before the session to better focus our discussions.  Ultimately, the goal is to figure out whether we can use Gabby’s paper as the basis for our "unwanted tracking algorithm” specification.


> On Oct 8, 2024, at 16:02, Sean Turner <sean@sn3rd.com> wrote:
> Hi! The powers that be have reminded me that we can’t have an official virtual interim within two weeks of an IETF meeting; yes, the w/o 21 October is within two weeks of IETF 121. Not to be deterred, we are going to have a meeting anyway it just won’t be official; :shrug:.  Thanks to those who participated in the poll.  The 1st doodle poll result with the most people was on Monday, October 21, 2024 at 10:00 AM Eastern.  Please add it to you calendars! Will send out a link for the call shortly.
> spt
>> On Oct 1, 2024, at 20:41, Sean Turner <sean@sn3rd.com> wrote:
>> Hi! We would like to figure out if we could a 1-hour virtual interim the week of 21 October to discuss how we might tweak the solution documented in the paper Nadia mentioned [1].  Please fill out the following doodle poll to indicate your availability.  Please do so by Friday, 4 October so I can get the meeting request in under the two-week notice deadline.
>> Cheers,
>> spt
>> [1] https://eprint.iacr.org/2023/1332.pdf