To: Namespace ID: To be assigned Registration Information: Version 1 Date: 2015-11-14 Declared registrant of the namespace: Name: Globus Address: 401 N Michigan Ave Suite 900 Chicago, Illinois, 60611 Contacts: Brendan McCollam Mattias Lidman Background: Globus ( is a software-as-a-service provider that develops and maintains tools for the research and university communities. For interoperability, Globus is registering a URN namespace so that Globus identifiers can easily be persisted in external systems, without the possibility of confusion with local identifiers or namespace collisions. Declaration of structure: The identifier structure is as follows: urn::globus::: Where is one tool within the Globus system (e.g. 'auth', 'transfer', 'publish', etc.), is a category of thing within that service (e.g. 'identity', 'scope') and is an identifier used by that service. Some non-canonical examples of identifiers might be: urn::globus:auth:grants:dependent_token urn::globus:publish:dataset: urn::globus:auth:identity_provider: urn::globus:auth:identity: Relevant ancillary documentation: None. Identifier uniqueness considerations: These identifiers represent entities within Globus systems. Identifiers are assigned and managed by the Globus service. Globus will guarantee uniqueness by never reassigning previously-used identifiers and properly controlling the issuance of new identifiers. Identifier persistence considerations: Identifiers will never be reassigned, but in some circumstances they may be invalidated by Globus, or by a registrant using the Globus service. Process of identifier assignment: All identifiers are assigned by Globus. Future versions of this document may define a registration process whereby users can register external systems with Globus and be assigned an identifier. Process for identifier resolution: None currently. Future versions of this document may define resources that can be used to resolve Globus identifiers. Rules for Lexical Equivalence: No additional rules beyond those specified in RFC2141. Conformance with URN Syntax: No special considerations. Validation mechanism: None currently. Future versions of this document may define resources that can be used to validate Globus identifiers. Scope: Global.