Namespace Identifier: reso Version: 0.1 Date: 2019-10-21 Registrant: Purpose: The Namespace Identifier (NID) "reso" for Uniform Resource Names (URNs) will be used to identify resources published by RESO. These might include published standards or protocols that RESO defines and that make use of URNs. These namespaces are globally unique. The URN namespace will be used in public networks by clients to configure and manage resources in the network. Servers will enforce the uniqueness of the namespaces by using the namespace and the XPath associated with the managed node in the network when accessing a resource. Syntax: The syntax of Namespace Specific Strings for the "reso" namespace is in Uniform Resource Names (URNs) [RFC8141]. The entire URN is case-insensitive. Assignment: RESO will maintain the list of registered resources that use the "reso" NID in the "RESO URN Namespace" standards at . The RESO workgroups describe the , how namespaces will be allocated, and how experimental namespaces can be used within the allocated URN. RESO will manage resource classes using the "reso" NID and will be the authority for managing resources and associated subsequent strings. RESO will guarantee the uniqueness of the strings by validating them against the existing content of the standards. RESO may also permit secondary responsibility for certain defined resources. Once a subtree assignment is made, it cannot be deleted or reassigned. RESO may allow use of experimental type values in specific subtrees for testing purposes only. Note that using experimental types may create collision as multiple users may use the same values for different resources and specific strings. All experimentation must follow the guidance set forth in "A Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace for Examples" [RFC6963]. Security and Privacy: There are no additional security considerations other than those normally associated with the use and resolution of URNs in general. Interoperability: There are no known interoperability issues at this time. Resolution: It is not foreseen that URNs within this namespace will undergo resolution. Documentation: Documentation can be found at