[urn] IANA repository Re: New Version Notification for draft-ietf-urnbis-rfc3406bis-urn-ns-reg-02.txt (fwd)
Leslie Daigle <leslie@thinkingcat.com> Sun, 25 March 2012 12:59 UTC
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Subject: [urn] IANA repository Re: New Version Notification for draft-ietf-urnbis-rfc3406bis-urn-ns-reg-02.txt (fwd)
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Hi, Is this point in the document: > [[ NOTE: It would be preferable to restore the generic, most > universally supported (HTML) form of the registry be identified by an > implementation-neutral URL, as previously supported by IANA: > <http://www.iana.org/assignments/urn-namespaces>. Yet, currently > this URI and similar forms all resolve to an XML version. > The content there should link to alternate forms (.xml, .txt), and > those alternate versions should indicate the *other* versions; i.e., > where the .txt version (currently only available at ftp.IANA.ORG) > also says, "This registry is also available in XML and plain text > formats.", it should better say: "This registry is also available in > HTML and XML formats." Similarly, the XML form should point to the > HTML and plain text forms. ]] actually a question for the URN document, or rather something for the IESG/IAB to explain or take up with IANA? I.e., it seems to me that this is a broader question of references to IANA registries, and not just *this* reference to *an* IANA registry? Leslie. On 3/12/12 4:52 PM, Alfred � wrote: > URNbis colleagues, > [ speaking again as the document editor ] > > I have just (in time) completed and uploaded an update to the > RFC 3406bis draft, one of our basic work items. > > As usual, all related information, starting with the HTML-ized > version of the draft, and including diffs to the previous version > are available at: > <http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-urnbis-rfc3406bis-urn-ns-reg-02> > > Please review the draft (and the changes) and focus your comments > on the remaining issues. For your convenience, the change and > issue summaries contained in the draft are attached inline below, > after the forwarded draft announcement. > > > Unfortunately, list discussion has been interesting in the past, > but largely not very focussed on the draft text. > > This has been summed up by Peter Saint-Andre his message > sent on "Wed, 11 Jan 2012 15:52:10 -0700" and archived at > <http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/urn/current/msg01672.html>, > which concluded with the question: > >> In any case, what is the practical output of this discussion >> in terms of specification text? > > I have to admit: not very much. :-( > > So please help the editor by giving focussed review comments and > proposed alternative text or text deltas for where you think > it is needed. > > > Kind regards > Alfred. > > > > ----- Forwarded message from internet-drafts@ietf.org ----- > >> From: internet-drafts@ietf.org >> To: ah@TR-Sys.de >> Message-Id:<20120312202035.21803.80702.idtracker@ietfa.amsl.com> >> Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 13:20:35 -0700 >> Subject: New Version Notification for >> draft-ietf-urnbis-rfc3406bis-urn-ns-reg-02.txt > > A new version of I-D, draft-ietf-urnbis-rfc3406bis-urn-ns-reg-02.txt > has been successfully submitted by Alfred Hoenes and posted to the > IETF repository. > > Filename: draft-ietf-urnbis-rfc3406bis-urn-ns-reg > Revision: 02 > Title: Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace Definition Mechanisms > Creation date: 2012-03-12 > WG ID: urnbis > Number of pages: 30 > > Abstract: > > Uniform Resource Names (URNs) are intended to serve as persistent, > location-independent, resource identifiers. To structure and > organize their usage, the URN syntax (RFC 2141bis) specifies a > hierarchy that divides the set of possible URNs into "URN Namespaces" > that can be individually defined and managed. URN Namespaces in > particular serve to map existing identifier systems into the URN > system and thereby make available generic, network-based resolution > services for the identified documents, artifacts, and other objects > (and metadata related to them). > > To achive these goals, URN Namespaces need to be specified in a > comparable manner, and their Namespace Identifiers (NIDs) need to be > registered with IANA, so that naming conflicts are avoided and > implementers of services can follow a structured approach in support > of various namespaces, guided by the registry to the related > documents and the particularities of specific namespaces, as > described in these Namespace registration documents. > > This RFC serves as a guideline for authors of URN Namespace > definition and registration documents and the process to be followed > to register a URN Namespace with IANA. It describes the essential > content of such documents and how they shall be structured to allow > readers familar with the scheme to quickly assess the properties of a > specific URN Namespace. > > This document is a companion document to the revised URN Syntax > specification, RFC 2141bis; it supersedes and replaces RFC 3406. > > > The IETF Secretariat > > ----- End of forwarded message from internet-drafts@ietf.org ----- > > > > -------- begin of excerpt from draft -------- > > C.4. Changes from URNbis WG I-D -01 to -02 > > General text edits based on evaluation of meeting and on-list > comments. > > Updated and tightened the organizatorial requirements for Formal > Namespace requests. > > Restored additional IANA Considerations -- due to observed defects. > > Reserved NID strings "example.*" for documentation (as suggested by > Larry Masinter, Peter Saint-Andre, and Julian Reschke). > > Added text on possible "higher level" methods to establish lexical > equivalence of URNs, with the caveats that such things are rather > unlikely to get traction in general-purpose client software. > > Removed historical Appendix B.1 (Example Template). > > Various editorial enhancements and fixes. > > Updated and expanded "Issues" Appendix (below) in preparation of > usage of the IETF Issue Tracker. > > > Appendix D. Issues in this Draft > > [ Appendix to be replaced by use of IETF Tools issue tracker. ] > > For more details on the issues below, please also see the Editorial > Notes interspersed in the body of this draft. > > Discuss consequences of RFC 2141bis (once consensus is achieved); if > proposal for fragment part is adopted, details need to be described > per Namespace that wants to adopt these possibilities, and maybe the > registration template needs a new clause where this will be specified > -- or the information has to be assigned to existing clauses. > > Do registration documents need more guidance and be caused to be more > precise in their elaboration on the applicability of Services? Since > RFC 2483 is considered outdated, but RFC 2483bis not yet alife (nor a > URNbis work item), we might need a registry for URN Services > (initially populated from RFC 2483) that can be referred to in > Namespace registration documents, thus avoiding normative > dependencies on a future RFC 2483bis. > > Do we actually need Experimental Namespaces? > [Regarded as CLOSED affirmatively at IETF 80.] > There are concerns regarding usage of "X-" NIDs, which is reported to > having proven impractical in practice. This draft version contains > tentative text to address these concerns; "X-" is now demoted to > "SHOULD" level. > > The syntax of the NID strings for the various NID types is given in > an informal manner (as has been done in RFC 3406); is it worth the > effort to introduce ABNF for this purpose? > [The request for ABNF has been voiced only once; the document Editor > regards this issue as CLOSED.] > > Increase review/timeout periods for urn-nid list and IANA experts > from 2 to 4 (or more) weeks? This draft version tentatively > specifies 4 weeks. > Juha Hakala has argued that the assessment of the responsible > organizations needed to assure their ability to properly operate the > Namespace could never be performed within the present 2 weeks time > span; 8 weeks might be an even better choice for the future upper > limit for the review period. It has been pointed out that even 8 > weeks are miniscule with regard to the expected lifetime of the to- > be-registered Namespace and hence should not matter. In practice, > the subsequent IESG evaluation of URN Namespace registration > documents has typically needed much longer time. > > Clarification of the desired content of the "Namespace > Considerations" and "Community Considerations" sections in > registration documents. Shall we admit a combined section for both > topics? (so far supported by 2 postings) Cf. the NOTEs in Sections > 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 for more details. > [No feedback on the list since -01, so the draft text seems to have > silent consensus and the issue is regarded as CLOSED.] > > Shall other strings beyond "urn" also be 'reserved' in the NID > registry? (e.g. "uri", "url", "urc", ...) There have been voices in > favor of leaving the decision of what is acceptable and reasonable in > practice to the common sense of prospective registrants and the > designated IANA experts. This draft version reserves NID strings > matching the RE "^example.*" for documentation. > > Appendix A: Once RFC 2483 gets updated and an IANA registry for URN > resolution services gets established, the "Process for identifier > resolution" clause in the registration template should call out for > enumerating the registered services that are applicable for the newly > defined URN Namespace. > How far can we go in this respect without an update to RFC 2483 at > hands? > > Do we really still need Appendix B.1 ? (There are lots of real-life > examples now!) > [ Old B.1 removed, old B.2 became Appendix B; ==> CLOSED ] > > -------- end of excerpt from draft -------- > > _______________________________________________ > urn mailing list > urn@ietf.org > https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/urn -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- "Reality: Yours to discover." -- ThinkingCat Leslie Daigle leslie@thinkingcat.com -------------------------------------------------------------------
- [urn] New Version Notification for draft-ietf-urn… Alfred Hönes
- [urn] IANA repository Re: New Version Notificatio… Leslie Daigle
- Re: [urn] IANA repository Re: New Version Notific… Marc Blanchet
- Re: [urn] IANA repository ... draft-ietf-urnbis-r… Alfred Hönes
- Re: [urn] IANA repository ... draft-ietf-urnbis-r… Alfred Hönes
- Re: [urn] IANA repository Re: New Version Notific… Peter Saint-Andre
- Re: [urn] IANA repository ... draft-ietf-urnbis-r… Peter Saint-Andre