[urn] [IANA #1364943] Updated / revised request: URN Namespace Registration Request for "PNO" (urn-namespaces)

David Dong via RT <iana-prot-param-comment@iana.org> Tue, 14 May 2024 22:25 UTC

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Subject: [urn] [IANA #1364943] Updated / revised request: URN Namespace Registration Request for "PNO" (urn-namespaces)
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On Tue May 14 15:34:06 2024, guenter.steindl@siemens.com wrote:
> Dear IETF / IANA,
> we would like to request the registration of a URN namespace with the
> following details:
> Namespace Identifier:     pno
> Version:                           1
> Date:                                2024-05-14
> Registrant:
> The PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V. (PNO) [PNO] is an international
> association that promotes and supports the development of PROFIBUS and
> PROFINET, industrial communication protocols used in automation
> technology.
> We provide standards, certification programs, and resources to ensure
> product interoperability and reliability, fostering collaboration
> among manufacturers, system integrators, and end-users.
> *   Organization: PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V. (PNO)
> *   Email: info@profibus.com<mailto:info@profibus.com>
> *   Phone: +49 721 986197 0
> Purpose:
> These PNO specified URNs will be part of next editions of e.g.,
> "PROFINET" as part of the IEC61158/IEC61784 at the IEC.
> PROFINET is an industry technical standard for data communication over
> Ethernet, designed for collecting data from, and controlling,
> equipment in industrial systems, with a particular strength in
> delivering data under tight time constraints. It is managed by PNO and
> is used in automation applications, for manufacturing and process
> automation.
> PROFINET is a communication protocol for automation over Ethernet,
> primarily used to network a variety of devices in a production
> environment. Here are the key types of resources that can be described
> and managed using PROFINET:
> *   Controllers: Often known as Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)
> or similar devices, PROFINET enables real-time communication between
> these controllers and connected devices.
> *   Field Devices: This includes sensors and actuators that provide
> data or perform physical actions in a production line. Sensors might
> measure parameters like temperature or pressure, while actuators could
> be motors, valves, or switches.
> *   Drive Systems: Components such as frequency converters and servo
> motors, controlled via PROFINET for precise movement in machines.
> *   Robot Control: PROFINET facilitates rapid and precise control of
> robots for assembly or packaging tasks.
> *   Human Machine Interfaces (HMI): Operator interfaces and
> visualization systems that allow monitoring and control of processes.
> *   Safety Devices: Safety-related devices and systems, such as
> emergency stop switches or safety light barriers, can also be
> integrated into PROFINET networks, often through specialized protocols
> like PROFIsafe.
> *   Network Components: Infrastructure components like switches and
> routers that manage data transmission over the industrial Ethernet
> network.
> Syntax:
> URNs within the "pno" namespace will follow the following structure:
> *   urn:pno:{PNOresource}:{ResourceSpecificString}
> where "PNOresource" is a US-ASCII string that conforms to the URN
> syntax requirements [RFC8141] and defines a specific class of resource
> type. Each resource type has a specific labeling scheme that is
> covered by "ResourceSpecificString", which also conforms to the naming
> requirements [RFC8141].
> Assignment:
> PNO maintains a registration authority, the PNO Registration Authority
> (PNO CO), that will manage the assignment of "PNOresource", and the
> specific registration values assigned for each resource class.
> Security and Privacy:
> There are no additional security considerations other than those
> normally associated with the use and resolution of URNs in general,
> which are described in Functional Requirements for URNs [RFC1737], URN
> Syntax [RFC2141], and URN Namespace Definition Mechanisms [RFC3406].
> Interoperability:
> No known potential issues related to interoperability.
> Resolution:
> Resolution mechanisms are not intended or anticipated for URNs
> assigned within the URN namespace.
> Documentation:
> These PNO specified URNs will be part of next editions of e.g.,
> "PROFINET" as part of the IEC61158/IEC61784 at the IEC.
> Additional Information:   ---
> Revision Information:     1
> Please let us know if any additional information or documentation is
> required for the registration process.
> Thank you for your attention to this matter.
> Sincerely,
> Günter Steindl
> Committee B "PROFINET" Chair
> PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V. (PNO)