[urn] Re: URN Namespace Registration for International Standard Name Identifier
worley@ariadne.com Wed, 11 September 2024 16:11 UTC
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Subject: [urn] Re: URN Namespace Registration for International Standard Name Identifier
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There seems every reason to approve this registration. However, I suggest these small changes: - There are occurrences of the character "?" in the document that seem to replace non-ASCII characters in an original version. These should either be replaced with appropriate ASCII characters, or the document revised to use UTF-8 encodings of the original characters. - Add a note for implementors that the resolution process may include one or more HTTP redirections. Implementors should be prepared for this anyway, but it's useful to warn them. - I notice that the current registration template in RFC 8141 doesn't have an explicit "uniqueness and persistence" section, but I recommend adding a section on uniqueness to assemble these points, as there are certain subtleties involved: [as already in Background] ISNI does not identify the underlying natural or legal person and several ISNIs may be associated with such a person if it presents multiple identities (such as personas) to the public. [as already in Assignment] Where two ISNIs are later discovered to refer to the same identity, these registrations are merged, the unused ISNI is retained but marked as deprecated and it is linked to the other ISNI. [It seems to me that what constitutes an "identity" is a *cultural* question, and specifically not a technical one. Perhaps ISNI-IA or the ISO standard has nice boilerplate to state this.] Dale
- [urn] URN Namespace Registration for Internationa… Paul Jessop
- [urn] Re: URN Namespace Registration for Internat… Keskitalo, Esa-Pekka
- [urn] Re: URN Namespace Registration for Internat… Paul Jessop
- [urn] Re: URN Namespace Registration for Internat… worley
- [urn] Re: URN Namespace Registration for Internat… Peter Saint-Andre
- [urn] Re: URN Namespace Registration for Internat… Paul Jessop
- [urn] Re: URN Namespace Registration for Internat… Paul Jessop
- [urn] Re: URN Namespace Registration for Internat… Peter Saint-Andre