Re: [urn] Request for oneM2M URN Namespace registration

Miguel Angel Reina Ortega <> Fri, 18 November 2022 10:48 UTC

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From: Miguel Angel Reina Ortega <>
To: Peter Saint-Andre <>
CC: "" <>
Thread-Topic: [urn] Request for oneM2M URN Namespace registration
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2022 10:48:20 +0000
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Subject: Re: [urn] Request for oneM2M URN Namespace registration
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Thanks Peter!

Miguel Angel Reina Ortega – Testing Expert
Centre for Testing and Interoperability (CTI)
Phone: +33 (0)4 92 94 43 49 ● Mobile: +33 (0)6 76 73 60 99

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-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Saint-Andre <> 
Sent: 18 November 2022 01:17
To: Miguel Angel Reina Ortega <>
Subject: Re: [urn] Request for oneM2M URN Namespace registration

The namespace is now registered:

On 11/15/22 6:13 PM, Miguel Angel Reina Ortega wrote:
> Dear Peter,
> Thanks a lot for that!
> Best regards.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------------------------------
> Miguel Angel Reina Ortega – Testing Expert Centre for Testing and 
> Interoperability (CTI) ETSI ● ● 
> Phone: +33 (0)4 92 94 43 49 ● Mobile: +33 (0)6 76 73 60 99
> This email may contain confidential information and is intended for 
> the use of the addressee only. Any unauthorized use may be unlawful.
> If you receive this email by mistake, please advise the sender 
> immediately by using the reply facility in your email software.
> Thank you for your co-operation.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Saint-Andre <>
> Sent: 15 November 2022 19:39
> To: Miguel Angel Reina Ortega <>; 
> Hakala, Juha E <>; Dale R. Worley 
> <>
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [urn] Request for oneM2M URN Namespace registration
> I've asked IANA to register this namespace and will report back when that task has been completed.
> Peter
> On 11/14/22 9:26 AM, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
>> Excellent, thank you. Sorry to have missed your updated version. I 
>> will move forward on this with IANA.
>> Peter
>> On 11/14/22 4:12 AM, Miguel Angel Reina Ortega wrote:
>>> Dear Peter,
>>> I think that was the old RFC draft. I sent a new one that I think it 
>>> solves all the issues you commented on.
>>> I am attaching them again.
>>> Best regards.
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> -
>>> --------------------------------------------
>>> Miguel Angel Reina Ortega – Testing Expert Centre for Testing and 
>>> Interoperability (CTI) ETSI ● ● 
>>> Phone: +33 (0)4 92 94 43 49 ● Mobile: +33 (0)6 76 73 60 99
>>> This email may contain confidential information and is intended for 
>>> the use of the addressee only. Any unauthorized use may be unlawful.
>>> If you receive this email by mistake, please advise the sender 
>>> immediately by using the reply facility in your email software.
>>> Thank you for your co-operation.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Peter Saint-Andre <>
>>> Sent: 08 November 2022 21:50
>>> To: Miguel Angel Reina Ortega <>;
>>> Hakala, Juha E <>; Dale R. Worley 
>>> <>
>>> Cc:
>>> Subject: Re: [urn] Request for oneM2M URN Namespace registration
>>> Dear Miguel,
>>> Thanks for your note and my apologies about the delays you have 
>>> experienced.
>>> I've just now looked at the expired Internet-Draft
>>> (
>>> and I have a few comments.
>>> 1. The completed registration template follows RFC 2141, not RFC 8141.
>>> It should be updated to conform to RFC 8141 (see Appendix A for the 
>>> new template).
>>> 2. results in a 404 error.
>>> 3. Would it be possible to briefly clarify what is meant by "name 
>>> models"?
>>> Once you have updated the Internet-Draft or just the template 
>>> (because publication of an Internet-Draft or RFC is not required for 
>>> registration of a URN namespace identifier), I will make sure that 
>>> we complete the registration with IANA in a timely manner.
>>> Peter
>>> On 11/4/22 2:05 AM, Miguel Angel Reina Ortega wrote:
>>>> Dear all,
>>>> It's been a while now from this registration request, and I would 
>>>> like to know the status of it as it appears not to be registered 
>>>> yet (I cannot see it in 
>>>> Please, could you let me know about that? Or if anything else need 
>>>> to be done from my side?
>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>> Cordialement.
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> --
>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>> Miguel Angel Reina Ortega – Testing Expert Centre for Testing and 
>>>> Interoperability (CTI) ETSI ? ?
>>>> Phone: +33 (0)4 92 94 43 49 ? Mobile: +33 (0)6 76 73 60 99
>>>> This email may contain confidential information and is intended for 
>>>> the use of the addressee only. Any unauthorized use may be unlawful.
>>>> If you receive this email by mistake, please advise the sender 
>>>> immediately by using the reply facility in your email software.
>>>> Thank you for your co-operation.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Miguel Angel Reina Ortega
>>>> Sent: 02 March 2022 18:17
>>>> To: Hakala, Juha E <>; Dale R. Worley 
>>>> <>
>>>> Cc:;; 
>>>> Subject: RE: [urn] Request for oneM2M URN Namespace registration
>>>> Dear Juha,
>>>> Thanks again so much for your comments. After discussion with 
>>>> oneM2M delegates, q-component seems to be the most appropriate in our case.
>>>> We will accordingly update the syntax in case either several 
>>>> parameters or only one can be used.
>>>> Best regards.
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> --
>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>> Miguel Angel Reina Ortega – Testing Expert Centre for Testing and 
>>>> Interoperability (CTI) ETSI ? ?
>>>> Phone: +33 (0)4 92 94 43 49 ? Mobile: +33 (0)6 76 73 60 99
>>>> This email may contain confidential information and is intended for 
>>>> the use of the addressee only. Any unauthorized use may be unlawful.
>>>> If you receive this email by mistake, please advise the sender 
>>>> immediately by using the reply facility in your email software.
>>>> Thank you for your co-operation.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Hakala, Juha E <>
>>>> Sent: 02 March 2022 13:27
>>>> To: Miguel Angel Reina Ortega <>;
>>>> Dale R. Worley <>
>>>> Cc:;; 
>>>> Subject: VS: [urn] Request for oneM2M URN Namespace registration
>>>> Dear Miguel,
>>>> see comments below.
>>>> -----Alkuperäinen viesti-----
>>>> Lähettäjä: Miguel Angel Reina Ortega 
>>>> <>
>>>> Lähetetty: perjantai 25. helmikuuta 2022 18.55
>>>> Vastaanottaja: Hakala, Juha E <>; Dale R.
>>>> Worley <>
>>>> Kopio:;; 
>>>> Aihe: RE: [urn] Request for oneM2M URN Namespace registration
>>>> Dear Juha,
>>>> I have discussed the issues with the oneM2M delegates and we have 
>>>> updated the oneM2M URN namespace with the following:
>>>> - General rule to limit NSS-restoftree to printable ASCII 
>>>> characters, as you proposed.
>>>> OK.
>>>> - parameters for the MGMT URN namespace will be part of the 
>>>> q-component, so starting with "?=" as should not be part of the URN 
>>>> resolution. Please, advise if that's correct.
>>>> I suggested r-component, but using the q-component (or even the
>>>> f-component) should be ok as well since your URNs will not be 
>>>> actionable. The choice between these options is yours; what is 
>>>> important is that the parameter can be separated from the nss string.
>>>> Compared with the other two options, f-component has the benefit 
>>>> that if against all odds at least some of the oneM2M URN should be 
>>>> made actionable in the future, both q-component and r-component 
>>>> will be available for that purpose.
>>>> With q-component your URN syntax would then be
>>>> urn:onem2m:<nss-root>:<nss-restoftree>?=<parameters>
>>>> So for instance urn:onem2m:mgmt:nwkType:lora?=parameter1&parameter2
>>>> If it is OK to have more than one parameter, you may want to 
>>>> specify the character separating them (for instance, &). An easier 
>>>> solution is to allow just one parameter at the time.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Juha
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> --
>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>> Miguel Angel Reina Ortega - Testing Expert Centre for Testing and 
>>>> Interoperability (CTI) ETSI ? ?
>>>> Phone: +33 (0)4 92 94 43 49 ? Mobile: +33 (0)6 76 73 60 99
>>>> This email may contain confidential information and is intended for 
>>>> the use of the addressee only. Any unauthorized use may be unlawful.
>>>> If you receive this email by mistake, please advise the sender 
>>>> immediately by using the reply facility in your email software.
>>>> Thank you for your co-operation.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Hakala, Juha E <>
>>>> Sent: 23 February 2022 08:57
>>>> To: Dale R. Worley <>; Miguel Angel Reina Ortega 
>>>> <>
>>>> Cc:;; 
>>>> Subject: VS: [urn] Request for oneM2M URN Namespace registration
>>>> Hello,
>>>> -----Alkuperäinen viesti-----
>>>> Lähettäjä: urn <> Puolesta Dale R. Worley
>>>> Lähetetty: keskiviikko 23. helmikuuta 2022 4.28
>>>> Vastaanottaja: Miguel Angel Reina Ortega 
>>>> <>
>>>> Kopio:;; 
>>>> Aihe: Re: [urn] Request for oneM2M URN Namespace registration
>>>> As ETSI is a recognized standards body, we should fast-track this.
>>>> + 1.
>>>> Also, there's little specific information to review.
>>>> Subtree registration page
>>>> provides additional information about oneM2M URNs, but there are 
>>>> some gaps.
>>>> Namespace specific strings will consist of two parts:
>>>> <nss-root>:<nss-restoftree>
>>>> Character set of nss-root is specified as a-z, A-Z, 0-9, but 
>>>> nothing is said about the character set of nss-restoftree. I 
>>>> suppose you could limit it to printable ASCII characters, in order 
>>>> to eliminate the impact of Unicode confusables.
>>>>     Within nss-root MGMT, the nss-restoftree will have the 
>>>> following
>>>> structure:
>>>> urn:onem2m:mgmt.:nwkType:<identifier>:[<parameters>]
>>>> I suppose the dot after mgmt is an error. If so, we get URNs like:
>>>> urn:onem2m:mgmt:nwkType:lora or
>>>> urn:onem2m:mgmt:nwkType:ansi_c_12:parameter
>>>> Within nss-restoftree colon has two different roles in the mgmt 
>>>> sub-namespace. It separates both nwkType from identifier and 
>>>> identifier from parameter (if any). This might create confusion 
>>>> regarding the role of the parameter, since nothing in the URN 
>>>> syntax says that the parameter is not part of the identifier. And 
>>>> if in the future you need to sub-divide nwkType, it might no longer 
>>>> be obvious for someone who does not know the syntax already where 
>>>> the identifier is and whether there is a parameter.
>>>> Since onem2m parameters will not have a role in identification, you 
>>>> might be better off including them as URN R-components. Since your 
>>>> URNs will not be resolved, this should not be problematic in any way.
>>>> URN namespace registrations do not need to be RFCs. An RFC can be 
>>>> provided if the identifier system has not been specified elsewhere, 
>>>> and it is considered useful to create an RFC for this purpose (see 
>>>> e.g. RFC 8458; In 
>>>> your case, I do not think that RFC is required or even justified. 
>>>> It will be easier both for you and IETF if you send us just a 
>>>> template as specified in RFC 8141. All registrations published as 
>>>> such templates are listed at 
>>>> ETSI has already made one namespace registration as a template, 
>>>> available at
>>>> All the best,
>>>> Juha
>>>> I would recommend that the registration template specify how the 
>>>> NSSs are to be compared, although looking at RFC 8141, it doesn't 
>>>> seem to be required.  (It used to be that specifying the comparison 
>>>> rule was
>>>> important.)  I suspect that oneM2M intends to use case-sensitive 
>>>> comparison and largely assign NSSs in a single case.
>>>> Dale
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