Re: [urn] I-D Action: draft-saintandre-urn-example-00

Julian Reschke <> Fri, 17 August 2012 12:09 UTC

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Subject: Re: [urn] I-D Action: draft-saintandre-urn-example-00
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On 2012-08-17 13:57, Keith Moore wrote:
> ...
> I don't actually have a problem with UUID URNs in principle, so long as
> the mechanisms used to generate UUIDs actually ensure that they're
> unique. (If memory serves, they do, but it's been awhile since I've read
> the spec).   As long as people use UUID URNs to refer to resources, such
> usage is perfectly consistent with the intended purpose of URNs.  And I
> certainly am not suggesting that UUID URNs be deprecated, or any thing
> similarly disruptive.
> The problem I have is with the idea that has emerged that if you need an
> ID that happens to be a URI, a URN is the right thing to use.   I've
> seen a lot of things labeled "urn:" that didn't refer to resources, or
> worse, weren't unique at all, apparently because of this idea.
> ...

Do you have a definition of "resource" different from:

"the term "resource" is used in a general sense for whatever might be 
identified by a URI" -- 


Other than that, I agree about the uniqueness bit.

Best regards, Julian