[urn] Re: URN Namespace Registration for International Standard Name Identifier

Paul Jessop <paul@countyanalytics.com> Fri, 13 September 2024 00:55 UTC

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From: Paul Jessop <paul@countyanalytics.com>
To: Peter Saint-Andre <stpeter@stpeter.im>, "Dale R. Worley" <worley@ariadne.com>
Thread-Topic: [urn] Re: URN Namespace Registration for International Standard Name Identifier
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Here is the updated registration request. It has been extensively revised to address the comments made.

I hope the encoding is correct now. I didn’t understand about byte order marks, so this has been an education as well! I don’t think the text actually needs UTF-8 encoding now anyway.

Best regards,


Paul Jessop              county analytics ltd


rights - technology - markets - music - media


ISNI                      0000 0005 1119 3335


paul@countyanalytics.com      +44 7850 685378

On 12/09/2024, 11:09, "Paul Jessop" <paul@countyanalytics.com <mailto:paul@countyanalytics.com>> wrote:

Thanks both. All seems sensible. I will rework and resubmit.

I'm sorry about the text file format. I think I spent my energy on Mac CR/LF issues and neglected the character set mis-match!

And now that the experts are aware that the minor revision doesn’t affect anything at issue here, it can safely disappear.

Best regards,


Paul Jessop county analytics ltd


rights - technology - markets - music - media


ISNI 0000 0005 1119 3335


paul@countyanalytics.com <mailto:paul@countyanalytics.com> <mailto:paul@countyanalytics.com <mailto:paul@countyanalytics.com>> +44 7850 685378

On 11/09/2024, 19:22, "Peter Saint-Andre" <stpeter@stpeter.im <mailto:stpeter@stpeter.im> <mailto:stpeter@stpeter.im <mailto:stpeter@stpeter.im>>> wrote:

In addition to Dale's feedback, which seems sensible to me, I would

suggest the following changes:

- for the registrant, include a role address at isni.org, not Paul's

personal email address; this can help with future communications

- because the RFC 8141 registation template does not have a "Background"

or a "Benefits" section, move that information to the appropriate

sections in the template (mainly "Purpose")

- move the "Character set" information to the "Syntax" section (again,

there is no "Character set" section in the template)

- remove the sentence about current minor revisions to ISO 27729 since

that information is rather ephemeral


On 9/11/24 10:08 AM, Dale R. Worley wrote:

> There seems every reason to approve this registration. However, I

> suggest these small changes:


> - There are occurrences of the character "?" in the document that seem

> to replace non-ASCII characters in an original version. These should

> either be replaced with appropriate ASCII characters, or the document

> revised to use UTF-8 encodings of the original characters.


> - Add a note for implementors that the resolution process may include

> one or more HTTP redirections. Implementors should be prepared for this

> anyway, but it's useful to warn them.


> - I notice that the current registration template in RFC 8141 doesn't

> have an explicit "uniqueness and persistence" section, but I recommend

> adding a section on uniqueness to assemble these points, as there are

> certain subtleties involved:


> [as already in Background] ISNI does not identify the underlying

> natural or legal person and several ISNIs may be associated with

> such a person if it presents multiple identities (such as personas)

> to the public.


> [as already in Assignment] Where two ISNIs are later discovered to

> refer to the same identity, these registrations are merged, the

> unused ISNI is retained but marked as deprecated and it is linked to

> the other ISNI.


> [It seems to me that what constitutes an "identity" is a *cultural*

> question, and specifically not a technical one. Perhaps ISNI-IA or

> the ISO standard has nice boilerplate to state this.]


> Dale


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