[urn] Re: URN Namespace Registration for International Standard Name Identifier
Paul Jessop <paul@countyanalytics.com> Wed, 11 September 2024 08:05 UTC
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From: Paul Jessop <paul@countyanalytics.com>
To: "Keskitalo, Esa-Pekka" <esa-pekka.keskitalo@helsinki.fi>
Thread-Topic: URN Namespace Registration for International Standard Name Identifier
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Subject: [urn] Re: URN Namespace Registration for International Standard Name Identifier
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Thanks! I think we can leave Juha to his well-deserved retirement and leave this to the remaining experts. I look forward to any comments from them. Best regards, Paul Sent from my iPhone On 11 Sep 2024, at 07:36, Keskitalo, Esa-Pekka <esa-pekka.keskitalo@helsinki.fi> wrote: Hello, Lurking on the mailing list. I can confirm that Juha has retired recently. In case of a need to be in contact with him in wrapping anything up, I should be able to reach him. Best regards, -- Esa-Pekka Keskitalo (Mr) Information Systems Manager National Library of Finland Tel. +358 50 373 6205 nationallibrary.fi<https://nationallibrary.fi/> From: Paul Jessop <paul@countyanalytics.com> Date: Tuesday, 10. September 2024 at 19.16 To: urn@ietf.org <urn@ietf.org> Cc: Tim Devenport <tim@editeur.org> Subject: [urn] URN Namespace Registration for International Standard Name Identifier Hi, The enclosed (attached and pasted below) URN registration template for the International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI) was prepared last year, taking informal advice from Juha Hakala but it seems it was never submitted (my error). Juha's email address on https://www.iana.org/assignments/urn-namespaces/urn-namespaces.xhtml now bounces and I know he was planning to retire. Can I now, with the support of the board of the ISNI International Agency, submit this template for consideration by the Experts, who may recognise that I also prepared the registration template for the Digital Object Identifier, though I am no longer working with the DOI Foundation. I look forward to receiving any comments and will work diligently to respond to them. Best regards, Paul Paul Jessop county analytics ltd --------------------------------------------- rights - technology - markets - music - media --------------------------------------------- ISNI 0000 0005 1119 3335 --------------------------------------------- paul@countyanalytics.com<mailto:paul@countyanalytics.com> +44 7850 685378 Namespace Registration for International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI) Namespace ID: ISNI Requested of IANA. Version: 1.0 Date: 2024-09-10 Registrant: Name: Paul Jessop E-mail: paul@countyanalytics.com<mailto:paul@countyanalytics.com> Affiliation: Adviser to ISNI International Agency (ISNI-IA) Address: Web URL: https://isni.org Background: An ISNI is an identifier for the public identity of a party in the media content industry ? that is the identity presented to the public. ISNI is an international standard under ISO 27729 and ISO has appointed the ISNI International Agency (ISNI-IA) as the registration authority. ISNI-IA publishes documentation explaining how to implement ISNI and revises this from time to time. Advice is available on the ISNI-IA website at https://isni.org and includes information on implementation details that are not contained in the international standard. ISO 27729 is currently undergoing a minor revision to consolidate a long standing amendment and this registration is not affected. ISNI does not identify the underlying natural or legal person and several ISNIs may be associated with such a person if it presents multiple identities (such as personas) to the public. It is possible to resolve an ISNI by using the website or by prepending https://isni.org/isni/ and performing an http GET. Purpose: Enable presentation of ISNIs as URNs. Benefits: 1. When represented as URNs, ISNIs are fully compliant URIs as required by certain systems. 2. When represented as URNs, ISNIs can be easily located within text by machines and humans, even without the resolver address https://isni.org/isni/. 3. When represented as URNs, ISNIs can in the future become technology independent hyperlinks without the proxy address. 4. URN Q- and R-components might in the future be used with ISNI in order to send requests to the target system or resolver, provided that the ISNI resolver is enhanced with support for these URN features. Character set: According to ISO 27729, an ISNI consists of 15 decimal digits and a check digit which is a decimal digit or the alphabetic character ?X?. The use of a lower-case ?x? is strictly non-conformant but in practice, systems may treat is as its upper-case equivalent. ISO 27729 requires that when an ISNI is ?written, printed or otherwise presented in a human-readable format? it is preceded by ?ISNI? and a space, and split into blocks of four characters separated by a space. This does not affect the identifier itself which is the sixteen characters. Syntax: The ISNI Namespace-Specific String (NSS) is a fixed length string of 16 characters and consists of 15 decimal digits and a check digit which is a decimal digit or the alphabetic character ?X?. It shall contain the same characters as the ISNI which it represents. EXAMPLE ?0000000121241960? is the ISNI of Elvis Presley. urn:isni:0000000121241960 is the URN-ISNI for the same referent. The following formal definition uses ABNF [RFC5234]. URN-ISNI = "urn:isni:" ISNI-NSS ISNI-NSS = 15DIGIT ISNI-CHECK-DIGIT DIGIT = %x30-39 ISNI-CHECK-DIGIT = DIGIT / %x58 Rules for lexical equivalence: Two URN-ISNIs are equivalent if corresponding characters of each ISNI-NSS are identical. It is recommended that a strictly non-conformant lower case ?x? as the check-digit is converted to an upper-case ?X? before comparison is made. URN F-, Q- and R-components SHALL be ignored in the comparison since they are not part of the NSS. Because the ISNI-NSS has the same content as the corresponding ISNI, the same test can be applied to the comparison of a URN-ISNI and an ISNI. Where comparison is made between a URN-ISNI and the presentation format of an ISNI, the prefixed ?ISNI? and the spaces shall be removed before comparison is attempted. EXAMPLE The following representations of an ISNI name SHALL be regarded as equivalent: 0000000121241960 ISNI 0000 0001 2124 1960 urn:isni:0000000121241960 ISNI assignment: ISNI assignment is managed by ISNI-IA through its registration agencies and the appointed assignment agency. Their roles and responsibilities are documented on the ISNI website. The assignment of an ISNI requires that the applicant provide sufficient disambiguating information to describe the identity to the degree that is necessary to distinguish it as a separate name within the ISNI system. Where two ISNIs are later discovered to refer to the same identity, these registrations are merged, the unused ISNI is retained but marked as deprecated and it is linked to the other ISNI. Security and Privacy: ISNIs do not have any unmanaged privacy issues. Detailed examination has assured ISO and ISNI-IA that the ISNI system is in compliance with privacy and data protection requirements such as the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU and the California Consumer Privacy Act. Interoperability: ISNIs do not have any known interoperability related problems. ISNI registrations may contain other identifiers relating to the same identity and routinely do so. These other identifiers can be accessed when resolving an ISNI. Resolution: URNs in the URN:ISNI namespace SHALL be resolvable. Each resolution of a URN in the URN:ISNI namespace SHALL return information about the identity represented by the ISNI in the ISNI-NSS. To resolve a URN in the URN:ISNI namespace, the string to the right of ?urn:isni:? is prepended with ?https://isni.org/isni/? and an https GET performed. The ISNI website contains information on how to use the ISNI resolution process with parameters to allow access to the registered information in specific formats. Persistence: ISNI is a well-managed identifier system. Persistence of ISNI information is a key aim of the ISNI system, and is a key objective of ISNI-IA which has sustainability as a prime operating target. Additional documentation / information: See ISO 27729:2012 and the ISNI Website. Revision Information: None
- [urn] URN Namespace Registration for Internationa… Paul Jessop
- [urn] Re: URN Namespace Registration for Internat… Keskitalo, Esa-Pekka
- [urn] Re: URN Namespace Registration for Internat… Paul Jessop
- [urn] Re: URN Namespace Registration for Internat… worley
- [urn] Re: URN Namespace Registration for Internat… Peter Saint-Andre
- [urn] Re: URN Namespace Registration for Internat… Paul Jessop
- [urn] Re: URN Namespace Registration for Internat… Paul Jessop
- [urn] Re: URN Namespace Registration for Internat… Peter Saint-Andre