[urn] Namespace Identifier: Requested of IANA - cdx

Patrick Dwyer <patrick.dwyer@owasp.org> Sat, 01 January 2022 06:39 UTC

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Hi folks,

Seeking your review on this URN namespace registration.


Namespace Identifier:  Requested of IANA - cdx

Version:  1

Date:  2022-01-01


Patrick Dwyer, on behalf of OWASP CycloneDX
Email: patrick.dwyer@owasp.org
The OWASP Foundation Inc.
401 Edgewater Place, Suite 600
Wakefield, MA 01880


CycloneDX is an open source software bill of materials OWASP standard. 
CycloneDX bill of materials documents (BOMs) are intended to be 
exchanged between different parties of the software supply chain.

The “cdx” namespace is to be used as a means of persistently identifying 
CycloneDX BOMs.

When creating a BOM that describes multiple components, a CycloneDX URN 
can be used to reference an upstream BOM for a component rather than 
embedding it inline. This may be a consideration for performance 
reasons. Especially in resource constrained environments such as 
embedded devices. But can also be used when a software supplier does not 
have authority to share upstream BOM content directly.

CycloneDX also supports “BOM refs”. BOM refs are unique BOM scoped 
references to a particular element. A URN with an optional BOM ref 
f-component can be used to reference an element within another BOM.

Referencing a specific element in a BOM is particularly relevant for use 
cases like describing known vulnerabilities in a component in the 
context of a particular assembled piece of software or embedded device.


The syntax for a CycloneDX URN namestring is defined using the Augmented 
Backus-Naur Form (ABNF) below. And uses “UUID” as defined in [RFC4122] 
and “fragment” as defined in [RFC3986].

     namestring             = assigned-name [ "#" f-component ]
     assigned-name          = "urn:cdx:" NSS
     NSS                    = bom-serial-number-uuid "/" bom-version
     bom-serial-number-uuid = UUID
     bom-version            = 1*digit
     f-component            = fragment


CycloneDX URNs are assigned in a decentralised way, using the BOM serial 
number. CycloneDX BOM serial numbers are unique to a specific BOM. And 
are version 4 UUID URNs as defined in [RFC4122].

Security and Privacy:

As CycloneDX URNs are based on UUIDs they have the same security 
considerations as UUID URNs as per [RFC4122].

Additionally, there are no specification limitations on what information 
can be included in a “BOM ref”. When using BOM refs for f-components, 
consideration must be given to any restrictions imposed on sharing of 
information within a BOM. And what information may “leak” by including a 
BOM ref as an f-component in a CycloneDX URN.

For producers of BOMs who have high confidentiality requirements it is 
recommended to use UUIDs for BOM refs.


Although CycloneDX BOMs already use a UUID URN to identify a BOM this 
information isn’t sufficient when referencing a BOM.

A particular BOM may be revised over time. Especially in the case of 
legacy software as mistakes and omissions are corrected. In this 
scenario the BOM serial number remains static and the version is 

It also isn’t sufficient for use cases that require referencing a 
specific component within a BOM.


No prescriptive resolution mechanisms are envisioned.

Resolution mechanisms will be determined between parties in the software 
supply chain, or by organizations using CycloneDX BOMs internally.


Please note, this URL will be updated to reference the URN registration.


Additional Information:

More information about CycloneDX can be found on the project homepage at 

More general information about software bill of materials can be found 
at https://www.ntia.gov/sbom