[v4v6interim] Single namespace

Fred Baker <fred@cisco.com> Wed, 01 October 2008 17:42 UTC

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picking up from the discussion in the chat room, and passing along a  
question that jabber wasn't able to deliver in the chat room.

Not sure we're disagreeing on whether there should be a single name  
space. The real question is what you say about a name when you're  
asked to translate it into a name.

Let's imagine that the name oatwillie.example.com has two A records,  
pointing respectively to and The question is not  
whether the name is different in different namespaces; the question is  
whether the translation is different in different domains.

The way we usually implement this kind of thing is to have multiple  
name servers, one of which is accessible from outside and the other is  
accessible from inside. That gives us one name space, but different  
responses to that translation request depending on the source of the  
request. DNS64 does largely the same thing, but commits the gross and  
indecent act of saying out loud that it does so.

The difference in the domains in DNS64 is between an IPv4 (IPv4-only  
or IPv4+IPv6) domain and an IPv6-only domain and referencing a name  
that has an A record but not an AAAA record.

So now I will repeat my question. You said that you didn't care for  
DNS64. I'm asking what, specifically, you would prefer to use.
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