[v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool
waldemar <waldemar@wdmsys.com> Wed, 08 November 2023 09:08 UTC
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Subject: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool
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I wanted to address one comment that I did not have time to during the session yesterday. There was a gentleman who questioned the wisdom of introducing another transition strategy. He said such a proposal would make sense 15 years ago, he also said many could propose new strategies but refrain from doing so. He ended by stating that there is no need for another transition strategy. I generally agree with the line of thought. Excessive proliferation of methods is detrimental to the cause. I questioned myself whether to go with the proposal or not. In the end I decided that IPREF is so different and so distinct from anything currently available that it should be presented. I already mentioned that it is based on a different principle which will make it succeed where existing methods would fail. There are other factors, even more significant: (a) IPREF is 100% customer premise technology. As such, its use is totally dependent on the customers choice. There is nothing IETF can do to stop them. It is similar to NAT in this respect. NAT was widely despised, still is, by IPv6 enthusiast but it took over the world in spite of attempts to block it. (b) Related to (a), enterprises love the ability to control the process themselves, without anybody dictating what they should or should not do with their networks. In addition, the economic profile hugely favors IPREF. It is simply cheaper not to do dual stacks, not to do two step transition, not to have to upgrade what they don't want to upgrade, not to have to coordinate with peers. Less cost, less risk. (c) Related to (b) the economic profile of IPREF is hugely attractive to ISPs as well. Why doing IPv4-as-a-service if it is not necessary, why burden pure IPv6 Internet with IPv4 services if they're not needed? How can IPv6 compete with IPv4 if it is required to provide extra functionality but which can be avoided? Less cost, less risk. I am just an individual, an inventor, I can do only so much. There are different roles played by different entities. IPREF must be picked up by others. By vendors to build commercial gateways, by architects and operators to complete its specification. This project is in a very vulnerable stage. It can be easily dismissed. Because of (a), (b), and (c) above, it would be foolish to do so. You must allow that the project might be picked up at some point, the gateways will be built, and in the end the economy of the method will prevail. IPv6 cause is better served embracing it than fighting it.
- [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool waldemar
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool Soni "They/Them" L.
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool owen@Delong.com
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool owen@Delong.com
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool Gert Doering
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool waldemar
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool waldemar
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool jordi.palet@consulintel.es
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool waldemar
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool Vasilenko Eduard
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool Mark Andrews
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool waldemar
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool waldemar
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool Owen DeLong
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool waldemar
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool Gert Doering
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool Soni "They/Them" L.
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool Gert Doering
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool Mark Andrews
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool Martin Huněk
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool Martin Huněk
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool waldemar
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool Martin Huněk
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool waldemar
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool Gert Doering
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool Soni "They/Them" L.
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool Gert Doering
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool Soni "They/Them" L.
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool Gert Doering
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool Soni "They/Them" L.
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool Gert Doering
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool Soni "They/Them" L.
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool Gert Doering
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool Soni "They/Them" L.
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool Owen DeLong
- Re: [v6ops] IPREF as a transitioning tool Gert Doering