[v6ops] use of Teredo addresses in Apple devices
"STARK, BARBARA H" <bs7652@att.com> Fri, 24 July 2015 08:25 UTC
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From: "STARK, BARBARA H" <bs7652@att.com>
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Thread-Topic: use of Teredo addresses in Apple devices
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Great presentation on what Apple is doing to drive apps to implement IPv6. In thinking about use of the Teredo address space to advertise a prefix to tethered devices, I do have a concern. In many of my personal home networked devices, I've purposefully disabled Teredo and ISATAP and even put in some rules to prevent the devices from accepting such addresses. I think this would be a reasonable use of a ULA. A PI might be even better. I hear PIs are pretty easy to come by. The PI would have the advantage of being known to come from an Apple device for this NAT64 purpose. That could help with trouble shooting. Barbara
- Re: [v6ops] use of Teredo addresses in Apple devi… Alexandru Petrescu
- [v6ops] use of Teredo addresses in Apple devices STARK, BARBARA H
- Re: [v6ops] use of Teredo addresses in Apple devi… Mikael Abrahamsson
- Re: [v6ops] use of Teredo addresses in Apple devi… Lorenzo Colitti
- Re: [v6ops] use of Teredo addresses in Apple devi… Francis Dupont
- Re: [v6ops] use of Teredo addresses in Apple devi… Edwin Cordeiro