[v6ops] I-D Action: draft-ietf-v6ops-nd-considerations-07.txt

internet-drafts@ietf.org Wed, 27 November 2024 09:49 UTC

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Internet-Draft draft-ietf-v6ops-nd-considerations-07.txt is now available. It
is a work item of the IPv6 Operations (V6OPS) WG of the IETF.

   Title:   Neighbor Discovery Considerations in IPv6 Deployments
   Authors: XiPeng Xiao
            Eduard Vasilenko
            Eduard Metz
            Gyan Mishra
            Nick Buraglio
   Name:    draft-ietf-v6ops-nd-considerations-07.txt
   Pages:   26
   Dates:   2024-11-27


   Neighbor Discovery (ND) is a critical part of IPv6. ND uses
   multicast extensively and trusts all hosts. In some scenarios, such
   as wireless networks, multicast can be inefficient. In other
   scenarios, such as public access networks, hosts may not be
   trustworthy. Consequently, ND can have issues in some scenarios. The
   issues and mitigation solutions are documented in more than 20 RFCs,
   making it challenging to track all these issues and solutions.
   Therefore, an overview document is helpful.

   This document first summarizes the published ND issues and the
   solutions. This provides a one-stop reference. This document then
   analyzes these mitigation solutions to reveal that isolating hosts
   into different subnets or links can help prevent ND issues. Three
   isolation methods and their applicability are described. A simple
   guideline is provided for selecting a suitable isolation method to
   prevent potential ND issues.

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