[v6ops] Re: [IPv6]Re: Is the P flag even necessary? M flag already does enough (Re: Re: A detail review of draft-ietf-6man-pio-pflag-04)
Daryll Swer <contact@daryllswer.com> Tue, 06 August 2024 16:22 UTC
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From: Daryll Swer <contact@daryllswer.com>
Date: Tue, 06 Aug 2024 21:52:16 +0530
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To: Ted Lemon <mellon@fugue.com>
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Subject: [v6ops] Re: [IPv6]Re: Is the P flag even necessary? M flag already does enough (Re: Re: A detail review of draft-ietf-6man-pio-pflag-04)
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Ted I did, am I missing something? This is a ia_pd for downstream routers, right? If yes, said routers can have multiple VLANs, for example, so wouldn't a default /60 work better? Another question: A lot of ISPs refuse BCOP-690 and opt for a prefix that changes every 6 hours or 24 etc. How does this handle dynamic prefixes gracefully? To the authors, I spotted a grammar mistake: Original: "Many ISP will assign a prefix larger *then* /64 to the CE Router" Should be: "Many ISP will assign a prefix larger *than* /64 to the CE Router" *--* Best Regards Daryll Swer Website: daryllswer.com <https://mailtrack.io/l/568e07c7199a1a7cdd1bac0abc042b1baf8d95d9?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.daryllswer.com&u=2153471&signature=c2be466b1dca5450> On Tue, 6 Aug 2024 at 21:39, Ted Lemon <mellon@fugue.com> wrote: > You should read the document, which explains why not /60. :) > > Short answer: /64 is less likely to waste prefixes and has no obvious > downside. > > Op di 6 aug 2024 om 12:04 schreef Daryll Swer <contact@daryllswer.com> > >> Why not: >> >> LPD-8: The IPv6 CE Router MUST provision IA_PD prefixes with a >> prefix-length of *60* unless configured to different prefix-length by >> the user. >> >> Assuming, we want to force CPEs (in turn forcing ISPs) vendors to >> normalise BCOP-690 (/56 ia_pd minimum for home networks). >> >> *--* >> Best Regards >> Daryll Swer >> Website: daryllswer.com >> <https://mailtrack.io/l/1be637bce3a03573f0aba79c5b508ea9c46d50f0?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.daryllswer.com&u=2153471&signature=9e0cfb1d70527150> >> >> >> On Tue, 6 Aug 2024 at 21:04, Timothy Winters <tim@qacafe.com> wrote: >> >>> Hi Ted, >>> >>> I almost made that modification and can't think of a great reason not to. >>> >>> OLD: >>> LPD-8: The IPv6 CE Router SHOULD by default provision IA_PD IA prefixes >>> with a prefix-length of 64. >>> >>> New: >>> LPD-8: The IPv6 CE Router MUST provision IA_PD prefixes with a >>> prefix-length of 64 unless configured to different prefix-length by the >>> user. >>> >>> ~Tim >>> >>> On Tue, Aug 6, 2024 at 11:32 AM Ted Lemon <mellon@fugue.com> wrote: >>> >>>> Yes, much better. Thanks! >>>> >>>> Why SHOULD and not MUST? What is the case where they would not do this? >>>> >>>> Op di 6 aug 2024 om 11:26 schreef Timothy Winters <tim@qacafe.com> >>>> >>>>> Hi Ted, >>>>> >>>>> How about this: >>>>> >>>>> OLD: >>>>> LPD-8: The IPv6 CE Router SHOULD by default provision IA_PD IA >>>>> prefixes with a prefix-length of 64. >>>>> >>>>> New: >>>>> LPD-8: The IPv6 CE Router SHOULD provision IA_PD prefixes with a >>>>> prefix-length of 64 unless configured to different prefix-length by the >>>>> user. >>>>> >>>>> I'll make this change in the next revision. >>>>> >>>>> ~Tim >>>>> >>>>> On Tue, Aug 6, 2024 at 10:49 AM Ted Lemon <mellon@fugue.com> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> What I’m saying is that the text is ambiguous because you don’t say >>>>>> what “by default” means. I am one of the people who wants to get rid of the >>>>>> hierarchical model. >>>>>> >>>>>> Op di 6 aug 2024 om 09:05 schreef Timothy Winters <tim@qacafe.com> >>>>>> >>>>>>> Hi Ted, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Mon, Aug 5, 2024 at 2:30 PM Ted Lemon <mellon@fugue.com> wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Mon, Aug 5, 2024 at 11:16 AM Timothy Winters <tim@qacafe.com> >>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> v6ops has a draft for PD on the LAN to improve this situation. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-v6ops-cpe-lan-pd/ >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Please feel free to send comments, we are about to do WGLC on it. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Hey, Tim. I hadn't read the document in a while. I see this text in >>>>>>>> the last requirement: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> The IPv6 CE Router SHOULD by default provision IA_PD IA prefixes >>>>>>>> with a prefix-length of 64. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> I read this as "if the DHCP client doesn't specify a narrower >>>>>>>> prefix, the CE router SHOULD .. 64" >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Is that what you intended? If not, I think you need to say more. If >>>>>>>> that is what you intended, this won't work, because if we stack CE routers, >>>>>>>> I expect every CE router to ask for a /48, rather than not specifying, and >>>>>>>> that would mean that we'd always delegate the narrowest remaining subset of >>>>>>>> the outer CE router's delegation to the first inner router that makes a >>>>>>>> request. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>> That's what the working group wanted. The original version of this >>>>>>> document had more text about how to support hierarchical or flat models. >>>>>>> After a round or two discussion what came out of that was routers behind a >>>>>>> CE Router are no longer a CE Router as they aren't at the customer edge. >>>>>>> The draft reflects that general consensus, that leans towards deploying a >>>>>>> flat model as opposed to hierarchical, which is where the /64 length >>>>>>> derives from. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> I think it may be time for another document to specify what to do if >>>>>>> you're a Internal Router (but not SNAC). We could include all the flat >>>>>>> model text for becoming a DHCP Relay and giving out IA_PD with /64 from the >>>>>>> customer edge. >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>> _______________________________________________ >> >> >>> v6ops mailing list -- v6ops@ietf.org >>> To unsubscribe send an email to v6ops-leave@ietf.org >>> >>
- [v6ops] Re: [IPv6]Re: Is the P flag even necessar… Ted Lemon
- [v6ops] Re: [IPv6]Re: Is the P flag even necessar… Michael Breuer
- [v6ops] Re: [IPv6]Re: Is the P flag even necessar… Daryll Swer
- [v6ops] Re: [IPv6]Re: Is the P flag even necessar… Timothy Winters
- [v6ops] Re: [IPv6]Re: Is the P flag even necessar… Michael Breuer
- [v6ops] Re: [IPv6]Re: Is the P flag even necessar… Ted Lemon
- [v6ops] Re: [IPv6]Re: Is the P flag even necessar… Timothy Winters
- [v6ops] Re: [IPv6]Re: Is the P flag even necessar… Timothy Winters
- [v6ops] Re: [IPv6]Re: Is the P flag even necessar… Daryll Swer
- [v6ops] Re: [IPv6]Re: Is the P flag even necessar… Ted Lemon
- [v6ops] Re: [IPv6]Re: Is the P flag even necessar… Daryll Swer
- [v6ops] Re: [IPv6]Re: Is the P flag even necessar… Philipp S. Tiesel
- [v6ops] Re: [IPv6]Re: Is the P flag even necessar… Daryll Swer
- [v6ops] Re: [IPv6]Re: Is the P flag even necessar… Timothy Winters
- [v6ops] Re: [IPv6]Re: Is the P flag even necessar… Ted Lemon
- [v6ops] Re: [IPv6]Re: Is the P flag even necessar… Daryll Swer
- [v6ops] Re: [IPv6]Re: Is the P flag even necessar… Timothy Winters
- [v6ops] Re: [IPv6]Re: Is the P flag even necessar… Ted Lemon