[v6ops] Re: I-D: draft-cao-v6ops-ipv6-monitoring-deployment
"赵菁(联通集团本部)" <zhaoj501@chinaunicom.cn> Mon, 02 December 2024 13:21 UTC
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From: "赵菁(联通集团本部)" <zhaoj501@chinaunicom.cn>
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Subject: [v6ops] Re: I-D: draft-cao-v6ops-ipv6-monitoring-deployment
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Dear Tim, Thank you for your assistance! The website you recommended are very helpful to us. About Q1, based on your advice, we have adjusted our document. ( URL: https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-cao-v6ops-ipv6-monitoring-deployment-01.html ) The specific changes we made are as follows: 1. Updated Section 3.1 'IPv6 Deployment Analysis'. We have condensed the section on the driving factors of IPv6 deployment. 2. Added a section 4.1 'Current Approaches to Monitoring IPv6 Deployment'. We have summarized and outlined a list of current monitoring approaches. 3. Added a section 4.2 'Potential Requirements' before section 4.3 'Problem Statement'. (Updated the Abstract of the document) We have not included a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of current approaches in this document. This is because we conducted a comprehensive analysis of the common shortcomings in current IPv6 deployment monitoring approaches in Section 4.3. Our ultimate goal for the future is to develop an IPv6 deployment monitoring approach that can identify weaknesses in the current IPv6 deployment, thereby enhancing the IPv6 deployment rate. Consequently, this will pose new potential requirements (outlined in Section 4.2) for current approaches. What are your thoughts on this? 4. Changed the title of section 5 to 'Improvement Considerations'. About Q2, technologies such as perfSONAR and RIPE Atlas are the underlying network measurement tools/systems. Our draft focuses more on proposing a method and corresponding interface model. The underlying technology is not limited to what technology is used, and we focus more on finding the bottleneck of IPv6, that is, why IPv6 is not currently being used instead of IPv4, by collecting relevant data to find the reasons. Thank you for your attention to and suggestions on our documents. Look forward suggestions! Many Thanks! Best regards, Jing zhaoj501@chinaunicom.cn From: Tim Chown Date: 2024-11-12 00:04 To: 赵菁(联通集团本部); v6ops Subject: [v6ops] Re: I-D: draft-cao-v6ops-ipv6-monitoring-deployment Hi, On 11/11/2024, 14:01, "赵菁(联通集团本部)" <zhaoj501@chinaunicom.cn> wrote: You don't often get email from zhaoj501@chinaunicom.cn. Learn why this is important Dear all, We have been physically present at IETF 121 and introduced the document concerning IPv6 Network Monitoring Deployment. I would like to draw your attention to our drafts: · https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-cao-v6ops-ipv6-monitoring-deployment/ I think this draft would benefit from providing examples or even a good list of current approaches to monitoring IPv6 deployment, and comparing the strengths and weaknesses of each. Some of these can be found at https://worldipv6launch.org/measurements/. I’d remove the section on reasons to deploy. · https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-pang-v6ops-usecases-ipv6-monitoring/ I think there are quite a few e2e monitoring tools that can be used, some of which are quite open like RIPE Atlas, others of which need a little bit of specialist knowledge like perfSONAR. If you are suggesting a couple of use cases, perhaps you have ideas for the requirements for the e2e tools you are arguing are needed? Best wishes, Tim We believe that feedback from the v6ops Working Group (WG) would be invaluable in refining these drafts. We welcome any comments, suggestions, or questions you might have. We look forward to your input! Best regards, Jing zhaoj501@chinaunicom.cn 如果您错误接收了该邮件,请通过电子邮件立即通知我们。请回复邮件到 hqs-spmc@chinaunicom.cn,即可以退订此邮件。我们将立即将您的信息从我们的发送目录中删除。 If you have received this email in error please notify us immediately by e-mail. Please reply to hqs-spmc@chinaunicom.cn ,you can unsubscribe from this mail. We will immediately remove your information from send catalogue of our.