[VCARDDAV] Bachelor Thesis on a RESTful API for a Groupware/OpenSocial
Thomas Koch <thomas@koch.ro> Mon, 09 April 2012 10:25 UTC
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Hi, please allow me to bring to your attention my just finished bachelor thesis on the subject of the design of a restful API to be useful for a Groupware or the person related informations of OpenSocial. I'd appreciate any feedback. The text will be available under a free license after I received the mark for it. Points that might be of special interest for (some of) you: - a modernized design of CalAtom/CardAtom[1] without the need for a new "feature" property - efficient synchronization of collections with restful HTTP - properties of vCard useful (or missing) for OpenSocial - use of OpenSearch for reports - use of nice small value objects replacing some functionality of Jersey (Java REST framework) - a "resource facade" framework to support multiple "views" or media types of the same data - a minimal implementation of an atom pub server on top of Jersey [1] http://robubu.com/?cat=2 http://github.com/thkoch2001/bachelor- thesis/blob/master/latex/restful_groupware.pdf Please be forgiving with the quality of my writing. It's a thesis written under time pressure and other constraints and I'm not a writer. Best regards, Thomas Koch, http://www.koch.ro