[VCARDDAV] CardDAV resources website, was Re: Implementations of CardDAV and/or MKCOLext?, was: CardDAV and MKCOLext

Cyrus Daboo <cyrus@daboo.name> Wed, 15 July 2009 19:46 UTC

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Subject: [VCARDDAV] CardDAV resources website, was Re: Implementations of CardDAV and/or MKCOLext?, was: CardDAV and MKCOLext
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--On July 15, 2009 9:19:53 PM +0200 Julian Reschke <julian.reschke@gmx.de> 

> Related to this: for the purpose of determining support for this
> protocol, it would be interesting to find out about current
> implementation efforts (for both specs!).

Speaking of which, I have created a CardDAV website to help maintain 
information like this along the lines of the same one we have for CalDAV.

The site is at <http://carddav.calconnect.org>.

If you have comments, requests etc please email me directly or use the form 
on the website to submit details.

Equivalent CalDAV one is <http://caldav.calconnect.org> for comparison.

Cyrus Daboo