[VCARDDAV] Status of vcardrev and vcardxml drafts
Simon Perreault <simon.perreault@viagenie.ca> Wed, 12 May 2010 12:12 UTC
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Subject: [VCARDDAV] Status of vcardrev and vcardxml drafts
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Dearest WG, New revisions of these two drafts have been posted this week. All that was discussed in Anaheim has been written. Highlights: - The "XML" property now contains a single XML element that must have an explicit namespace which is not the vCard 4 namespace. - X-FOO and VND-BAR-BAZ properties get converted to <x-foo> and <vnd-bar-baz> elements in the vCard 4 namespace. - There is a new section summarizing conversion rules in vcardxml. - <sex> now has an <integer> value element. <class> and <kind> now have a <text> value element. - Removed the need for empty value elements in property components. I think these revisions can go to WGLC. Simon -- NAT64/DNS64 open-source --> http://ecdysis.viagenie.ca STUN/TURN server --> http://numb.viagenie.ca vCard 4.0 --> http://www.vcarddav.org
- [VCARDDAV] Status of vcardrev and vcardxml drafts Simon Perreault