Re: [VCARDDAV] use case for multiple affiliations

Marc Blanchet <> Wed, 29 July 2009 12:56 UTC

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might want to think about doing this construct in XML.


Markus Lorenz a écrit :
> Simon Perreault schrieb:
>> Markus Lorenz wrote:
>>> Simon Perreault schrieb:
>>> Yes, I could use X-groups to group these information together. But I
>>> have no chance to determine automatically, if this group of
>>> information belongs to home or work. The user has to guess it from
>>> the context. If I had an application showing different icons for work
>>> and home, it would not be able to decide which icon would be the
>>> right one for X-xyzboard. For the application this could also be a
>>> summer residence.
>> So work and home should be tags, not groups, right?
> What's important for me is this:
> I think it's reasonable to have the possibility to group information
> together. There is much data in a vcard that belongs together, because
> it belongs to the same place. In our previous examples we had different
> work places, summer residence, and semester address. There can be one
> (or more) property value to each of these place for ADR, LABEL, TEL,
> KEY. Maybe others.
> We can indicate that these values belong together by using groups. But I
> can see no possibility to indicate the type of a group. If I want to
> contact a person I'm working with to talk about some work stuff, I
> probably won't want to call this person at home or on vacation. I think
> this is a common use case! But I would have to guess from the given
> values of a group what kind of address or phone number it is.
> I would like to indicate the type of information. We had this feature in
> vcard 3 with "TYPE=work" for ADR, LABEL, and TEL. I'm not yet sure how
> to do this. But just now I had the idea, to associate the type of
> information not to a property but to a group. I don't know how to do
> this by now, because I see no way to associate information to a group
> with the current specification. Creating a new property seems ugly,
> because all current properties can be used without any group and don't
> by force loose their meaning. If we created a new property to show the
> type of a group, (e.g. "x-my-group.GROUPTYPE:work") this property would
> be meaningless without the group. So this wouldn't suit the current
> specification.
> Anyhow, I would love to associate the type of data with a group. I think
> it's useful, because if you have grouped information then it can only be
> of one type. This type is the reason why you created the group in the
> first place.
> If you agree with this idea:
>    - We would have to find a way to add it to the vcard specification
>      without messing it up.
>    - We would also have to think about if indicating the type of
>      information (home/work) should force someone to use a group even if
>      this group would then contain only one property.
>    - Maybe "home" and "work" aren't the only types a group of
>      information can have. So maybe we should think of some more
>      predefined types.
>    - For extensibility we should allow "x-"-types.
>    - And if we already indicate the type of information, maybe we can
>      also allow a descriptive text. Multiple private addresses don't
>      have a ORG-property which describes the address. This could be
>      helpful distinguish between summer residence and home, which are
>      both private addresses.
> I would like to hear other opinions on this.
> Regards,
> Markus
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