[VCARDDAV] anaheim meeting room with webex
Marc Blanchet <marc.blanchet@viagenie.ca> Thu, 04 March 2010 18:36 UTC
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FYI, as requested for remote participation, we have been moved to a new room (Redondo) with webex service (same time: wednesday 24th 9h00-10h15). Therefore, remote participation will be possible. Marc. -- ========= IPv6 book: Migrating to IPv6, Wiley. http://www.ipv6book.ca Stun/Turn server for VoIP NAT-FW traversal: http://numb.viagenie.ca DTN news service: http://reeves.viagenie.ca NAT64-DNS64 Opensource: http://ecdysis.viagenie.ca
- [VCARDDAV] anaheim meeting room with webex Marc Blanchet