Re: [VCARDDAV] New indiviudal subm,ission for CardDAV extension
Filip Navara <> Fri, 26 February 2010 21:52 UTC
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Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 22:54:39 +0100
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To: Nick Zitzmann <>
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Subject: Re: [VCARDDAV] New indiviudal subm,ission for CardDAV extension
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On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 10:23 PM, Nick Zitzmann <> wrote: > > On Feb 26, 2010, at 1:11 PM, Simon Perreault wrote: > >> I am profoundly confused by the "gateway" term. What is being gatewayed, and from where to where? > > CalDAV has a non-standard extension where additional calendars can be made available to a user that are not present in the user's calendar home set through the group-membership DAV property. It's not in the RFC, but it's used by Google Calendar and Apple's server. > > I read the spec, and it looks like this is something similar in that it makes an additional collection available to anyone who can pick it up. Which does bring up a few questions: > > 1. If the gateway is read-only, how is anyone supposed to add records to the gateway? > 2. What makes this different from CalDAV's proxy calendars extension, other than being limited to one directory? > > I think I'd prefer it if the interface for accessing other contact collections would be the same as in the CalDAV extension... Anything that stops subtle differences between CardDAV and CalDAV from appearing is good. > > Nick Zitzmann > <> I think there's is a misunderstanding in the purpose of the extension. This extension is meant to allow CardDAV access to LDAP (1) directory. This is usually the same directory that is used for user authentication, so essentially it would provide a way to access VCARDs for all the users of the particular Addressbook system (2). The CalDAV calendar-proxy extension (3) is meant for sharing calendars between different users of the same calendaring system. That is way different from what this extension proposes. Filip Navara eM Client (1) ...or DAP or whatever other protocol exists (2) Technically this is possible by pure WebDAV ACLs + CardDAV, but it is inefficient and hard to implement on client side (3) ...which doesn't use the group-membership property per se, the clients use separate calendar-read-proxy-for/calendar-write-proxy-for properties instead...
- [VCARDDAV] New indiviudal subm,ission for CardDAV… Cyrus Daboo
- Re: [VCARDDAV] New indiviudal subm,ission for Car… Simon Perreault
- Re: [VCARDDAV] New indiviudal subm,ission for Car… Nick Zitzmann
- Re: [VCARDDAV] New indiviudal subm,ission for Car… Filip Navara
- Re: [VCARDDAV] New indiviudal subm,ission for Car… Nick Zitzmann
- Re: [VCARDDAV] New indiviudal subm,ission for Car… Filip Navara
- Re: [VCARDDAV] New indiviudal subm,ission for Car… Cyrus Daboo
- Re: [VCARDDAV] New indiviudal subm,ission for Car… Cyrus Daboo
- Re: [VCARDDAV] New indiviudal subm,ission for Car… Simon Perreault
- Re: [VCARDDAV] New indiviudal subm,ission for Car… Cyrus Daboo