[VCARDDAV] CalConnect is returning to Europe - October 1-5, Zürich, Switzerland

Dave Thewlis <Dave.Thewlis@calconnect.org> Fri, 24 August 2012 17:50 UTC

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This e-mail is going to multiple calendaring-related lists; my apologies if you receive more than one copy but you probably will, as so many folks are on multiple lists.

Dear Colleagues,

CalConnect , The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium, is delighted to announce that its next event, CalConnect XXV, will be hosted by Google in Zürich, Swttzerland, the week of October 1-5, 2012.  We would like to invite everyone, especially our European colleagues, to join us.

This will be the the second full CalConnect event in Europe, following our very successful first such event last October in Prague.  The week will feature an Interoperability Test Event, a Technical Conference, plus additional workshops and seminars.  We are offering a one-time, very reduced registration fee for non-members to participate in both the IOP Test Event and the Roundtable Technical Conference of only $350 per person.  

If you are interested in calendaring, would like to participate in the interoperability testing or the technical seminar, but have found trying to go to North America too time-consuming or expensive, here's your chance to participate and find out more about what we do and whether you want to be involved.  Our host, Google, will participate in both the interoperability test event and the technical conference.  

For a full introduction to and summary of this event, please see https://calconnect.wordpress.com/2012/08/24/calconnect-is-returning-to-europe-october-1-5-2012-zurich-switzerland-hosted-by-google/

To see the full logistics page, schedule, etc. please see http://www.calconnect.org/calconnect25.shtml.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, and please consider joining us.  

Best Regards,

Dave Thewlis

Dave Thewlis, Executive Director
CalConnect - The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium
+1 707 840 9391 voice | +1 707 498 2238 mobile | +1 415 946 3454 fax
http://www.calconnect.org | Dave.Thewlis@calconnect.org