[VCARDDAV] social networking id
Marc Blanchet <marc.blanchet@viagenie.ca> Sun, 07 March 2010 00:28 UTC
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Hello, Many people today defines themselves by their social networking ID, nothing else: no tel, no email, no im, but facebook, twitter, linkedin, plaxo, or <choose yours> URL can be used for providing the social networking id. However, I'm not sure it is clear in the current draft for an implementor to use URL for social networking ids. We don't want everybody starting to use vendor name space or extensions for this. Morever, it could need to have some text info attached to it, specifying the end-user string known for the social networking info. Or we could rely on the UI to read the content of the URL and then show a user friendly string to describe the URL to the end-user. For example, the UI sees facebook.com in the URL, then shows "Facebook" to the user. I'm for the latter. So my proposed change is just to add social networking wording and examples to URL prop. ----- OLD: Purpose: To specify a uniform resource locator associated with the object that the vCard refers to. ----- NEW: Purpose: To specify a uniform resource locator associated with the object that the vCard refers to. Examples for individuals can be personal web sites, blogs or social networking site identifiers. ----- OLD: Example: URL:http://example.org/restaurant.french/~chezchic.html ----- NEW: Examples: URL:http://example.org/restaurant.french/~chezchic.html URL:http://twitters.org/myid URL:http://facebooks.org/myname URL:http://linkedins.org/myname Marc. -- ========= IPv6 book: Migrating to IPv6, Wiley. http://www.ipv6book.ca Stun/Turn server for VoIP NAT-FW traversal: http://numb.viagenie.ca DTN news service: http://reeves.viagenie.ca NAT64-DNS64 Opensource: http://ecdysis.viagenie.ca
- [VCARDDAV] social networking id Marc Blanchet
- Re: [VCARDDAV] social networking id Alexey Melnikov
- Re: [VCARDDAV] social networking id Simon Perreault
- Re: [VCARDDAV] social networking id Cyrus Daboo
- Re: [VCARDDAV] social networking id Peter Saint-Andre