[video-codec] Daala Coding Party
"Timothy B. Terriberry" <tterribe@xiph.org> Tue, 21 May 2013 06:03 UTC
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Mozilla and the Xiph.Org Foundation are organizing a coding party next week (May 27th-31st) at the Mozilla headquarters in Mountain View to start moving our Daala project from a research platform to a working codec prototype. Anyone is welcome to come hack on things. Details can be found here: https://daala.etherpad.mozilla.org/coding-party Please e-mail me (not the list) if you plan to attend, so someone will be expecting you and so we can order enough food.
- [video-codec] Daala Coding Party Timothy B. Terriberry
- Re: [video-codec] Daala Coding Party Timothy B. Terriberry
- [video-codec] Daala Coding Party - Sept 30 to Oct… Maire Reavy
- Re: [video-codec] Daala Coding Party - Sept 29 to… Maire Reavy