[video-codec] Daala Coding Party - Sept 30 to Oct 3 at Mozilla Headquarters

Maire Reavy <mdr@reavy.org> Mon, 12 August 2013 21:18 UTC

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Subject: [video-codec] Daala Coding Party - Sept 30 to Oct 3 at Mozilla Headquarters
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Mozilla is organizing a coding party for Sept 30 - Oct 3 at the Mozilla 
headquarters in Mountain View to continue moving the Daala project 
further forward as a working codec prototype. Anyone and everyone are 
welcome to come hack on things.

Details will be coming soon to this mailing list.

Please e-mail me (not the list) at mreavy@mozilla.com (cc'd on this 
mail) if you plan to attend, so someone will be expecting you and we can 
order enough food.
