[vmeet] Apr 23: webex group experiment

Dave CROCKER <dhc@dcrocker.net> Thu, 09 April 2009 18:55 UTC

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We're going to conduct a real-world experiment, using webex, on Friday, 23 
April, at 7am, Pacific Daylight Time.

It will be for 2 hours, with a real agenda, and attempting to get real work done.

Time conversions:

     7apm    PDT

    10am     EDT

     2pm     UTC

     3pm     Amsterdam

     6pm     Moscow

     7:30pm  Kolkata

    10pm     Kuala Lumpur, Beijing

    11pm     Tokyo

    12pm     Sydney

As this list of times makes quite clear, the goal of the common choice for 7am 
pacific time is to have the lower-digit AM values occur over the pacific ocean, 
on the theory that there are the fewest potential participants.  Clearly this is 
unfriently to folks in New Zealand, Hawaii, Micronesia, etc.



   Dave Crocker
   Brandenburg InternetWorking