Re: [vmeet] Apr 23: webex group experiment

Doug Otis <> Thu, 16 April 2009 22:02 UTC

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To: Thomas Narten <>
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Subject: Re: [vmeet] Apr 23: webex group experiment
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On Apr 16, 2009, at 1:18 PM, Thomas Narten wrote:

> I've never used WebEx, but just going to the web page, I see I can  
> sign up for a 14-day trial. Then I presumably have to pay $$. Or,  
> someone has to pay to run the server, and then there is some limited  
> number of clients that can connect.
> Can someone explain please explain the licensing model with WebEx?  
> And how use of this technology by the IETF will preserve the  
> expected openness where everyone/anyone can participate?

The IETF could meet in public squares, but one might assume there is  
no problem meeting in conference centers where fees are also  
required.  To afford the productivity benefit of rooms, chairs, walls,  
lights, projectors, network access, etc. members must individually  
offset a portion of these meeting related fees.

WebEx is no different from the meeting rooms needed to conduct  
meetings and appears to support a wide range of clients.  The breath  
of support that WebEx offers represents an investment in remote  
meeting services on par with running brick and mortar conference  
centers.  Once members become familiar with remote meeting services,  
an effort might be undertaken to explore suitable suites of  
applications that could act as alternatives.  After all, the IETF  
should have the synergy for such an effort.

Nevertheless, don't expect replacements offering similar productivity  
will not also demand similar additional resources.   As such, remote  
participation aided by remote meeting services beyond streaming audio- 
feeds and jabber sessions is likely to necessitate minor offset fees.   
For many, these remote participation fees will be in lieu of  
substantial air and hotel arrangements, and lost time due to traveling.
