[vmeet] Best Practices
Fred Baker <fred@cisco.com> Fri, 24 April 2009 23:38 UTC
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To: Dave CROCKER <dcrocker@bbiw.net>
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Subject: [vmeet] Best Practices
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On Apr 24, 2009, at 10:56 AM, Dave CROCKER wrote: > Thomas Narten is lobbying for an effort to develop a document on > best practices... A BCP on this sounds like it would be useful. I would agree. That said, I would want it to in fact be a BCP, in the sense of being the best practices known to currently be in use among people who use virtual meetings. That can be simple or complex, and we are a community that knows how to make simple things complex. First, I would want it to be written and reviewed by a people that have used a variety of remote interaction tools and have no obvious grist to chew. I would also want the important assumptions written in the same memo as the "best practices". Assumptions include the attendants and style of the meeting; a meeting of a dozen people who know each other well and work well together is very different from a meeting with 200 people who are split into factions with fundamentally different models for whatever is under discussion. That showed up this morning, with some of us who had experience with WebEx, Marratech, and Adobe tools talking about smallish collaborations while others really wanted to discuss "how does this work with 200 people in a room and one lonely denizen dangling off the edge of the earth?" Another thing that would probably help is to have someone, probably several someones, who attends IETF activities remotely and whose first language is not English, talking about what makes meetings more useful for him or her. At this point, I don't know that we as a community know how best to use tools like these in our meetings. We have some idea, because we have used them in our day jobs, but we can't say we have tried them in situ and know what works and what doesn't. Thinking about this, I started to suggest that folks send Thomas and I lists of their best suggestions toward such a note. But I suspect that the old adage that "tragic cases make bad law" applies here. What we really want is suggestions on how to make meetings work well, not "all the bad things to avoid". In general, that boils down to planning (get the dates sorted early), preparation (agenda out a week before, write and read documents in advance, if presentations are involved make/ distribute slides well in advance), and considerate behavior during meetings (assume the presence of folks for whom English is not a first language, etc). Oh, good tools too.
- [vmeet] Comments on today's vMeet webex session Dave CROCKER
- Re: [vmeet] Comments on today's vMeet webex sessi… Doug Otis
- Re: [vmeet] Comments on today's vMeet webex sessi… Brian Rosen
- Re: [vmeet] Comments on today's vMeet webex sessi… Doug Otis
- Re: [vmeet] Audio echo Henning Schulzrinne
- [vmeet] Best Practices Fred Baker
- Re: [vmeet] Audio echo Douglas Otis
- Re: [vmeet] Comments on today's vMeet webex sessi… SM
- Re: [vmeet] Best Practices Doug Otis
- Re: [vmeet] Comments on today's vMeet webex sessi… Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond
- Re: [vmeet] Comments on today's vMeet webex sessi… Eliot Lear
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