[vnfpool] 答复: draft-zong-vnfpool-problem-statement

Zongning <zongning@huawei.com> Fri, 30 May 2014 00:24 UTC

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From: Zongning <zongning@huawei.com>
To: "King, Daniel" <d.king@lancaster.ac.uk>, "vnfpool@ietf.org" <vnfpool@ietf.org>
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Hi, Dan,

Thanks for reading through the draft. See inline.

Just have a few comments/questions/observations:

- Where did you derive the term "Service Control Entity", is this an ETSI NFV term? Also once it's used/expanded, suggest using the acronym instead of full term (there are 18 instances).

[Ning] I don't think it is ETSI NFV term. But I believe it is a general term with some well-known examples such as orchestrator, SFC control element, etc.

- It might be worth breaking the questions into bullets, rather than the current (forth) paragraph. Perhaps it has been  a long day but I had to read twice to parse all the discussion points.

[Ning] Good suggestion. Will do in next revision.

- Figure 2 and  Figure 3 show "data conn", is this user data or signal/control data?

[Ning] they are user data.

Management Considerations 
- The document discusses security considerations, it might also benefit from discussion management and operational aspects as well. 

[Ning] Yes, we will document (VNF Pool) management considerations.

- The I-D refers to the first version of the ETSI NFV White Paper, maybe update to reference the second (2013) version?

[Ning] Will do.

Br, Dan. 
