[vnfpool] New revision of VNFPool Problem Statement posted
Zongning <zongning@huawei.com> Thu, 10 April 2014 03:22 UTC
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From: Zongning <zongning@huawei.com>
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Thread-Topic: New revision of VNFPool Problem Statement posted
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Hi, folks, The new revision (-04) of VNFPool Problem Statement I-D is available on the below page. https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-zong-vnfpool-problem-statement/ Here are the major changes: 1) Clarify VNFPool architecture and intended scope. 1. Add new section of VNF Pools before the section of Problem. This new section is mainly to outline our scope based on high level description of VNF Pools architecture. 2. Add text to clarify that we are specifically concerned with reliability (e.g. redundancy model, state sharing) that is managed inside the VNF. We are only concerned with the whole VNF set (or forwarding graph) to the extent that it involves reliability impact on adjacent instances of different VNFs. 3. We focus on reliability mechanisms based on VNF pool. Other VNF management aspects such as scaling, load balancing are out of scope. 2) Update terminologies to define Service Control Entity, and delete Pool User as the pool will be internal to VNF only. 3) Re-arrange the text in section of Problems. 4) Update text of VNF instance performance degradation in section of Problems. 5) Update text of Reliable Transport in section of Problems. 6) Add text to explain why service availability is not in scope in section of Problems. 7) Re-write the section describing the relationship of VNFPool and SFC. 8) Add text of transfer of security states in section of Security Consideration. We hope that the changes have addressed most of the comments, and reflected most of the suggestions during London BoF. Please review this new revision. Your further comments and suggestions are highly appreciated! Thanks. -Ning
- [vnfpool] New revision of VNFPool Problem Stateme… Zongning
- Re: [vnfpool] New revision of VNFPool Problem Sta… PEDRO ANDRES ARANDA GUTIERREZ
- [vnfpool] 答复: New revision of VNFPool Problem Sta… Zongning
- Re: [vnfpool] New revision of VNFPool Problem Sta… Zu Qiang
- [vnfpool] 答复: New revision of VNFPool Problem Sta… Zongning
- Re: [vnfpool] New revision of VNFPool Problem Sta… Zu Qiang
- [vnfpool] 答复: New revision of VNFPool Problem Sta… Zongning