[vnfpool] 答复: new VNFPool draft charter

Zongning <zongning@huawei.com> Mon, 09 June 2014 02:37 UTC

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From: Zongning <zongning@huawei.com>
To: Zu Qiang <zu.qiang@ericsson.com>, Melinda Shore <melinda.shore@nomountain.net>, "vnfpool@ietf.org" <vnfpool@ietf.org>
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Hi, Qiang,

I don’t believe the WG discussion will be based on any specific solution at this stage. Reading the charter, it says:
"The WG plans to deliver a problem statement, a set of use cases, VNF Pool requirements and an architecture covering the aforementioned technical aspects, and applicability and gap analysis of existing technologies.", and
"The WG will seek re-chartering before adopting any work to develop new, or extend existing, protocols."

Please let us know any statement in the charter that makes you feel that we are doing solution right now. We can do re-wording. :-)



发件人: vnfpool [mailto:vnfpool-bounces@ietf.org] 代表 Zu Qiang
发送时间: 2014年6月7日 3:21
收件人: Melinda Shore; vnfpool@ietf.org
主题: Re: [vnfpool] new VNFPool draft charter

Have a nice day
Zu Qiang

>> -          My assumption is that the output from this proposed WG is one
>> or more generic HA solutions. As we are in the early stage of the 
>> discussion, I don't think we shall limit the solution to a specific one.
>> I do have a hard time to understand why the Applicability and Gap 
>> Analysis shall be done based on a specific protocol?
>IETF work tends to be bottom-up - specific, discrete, concrete pieces 
>of work are identified and scoped.  We don't solve A Big Problem and 
>assume it's generally applicable, but rather do work of the nature of 
>"Here's how to use <x> to do <y>."  It may in fact turn out that 
>there's interest in developing an availability mechanism based on a different architectural model, and that's okay.

[Zu Qiang] Just for my clarification. Does that means all the WG discussion must be based on that specific solution from day one?
>Melinda Shore
>No Mountain Software
>"Software longa, hardware brevis."
>vnfpool mailing list

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