[vnfpool] The 2nd NorNet Users Workshop (NNUW-2)
Thomas Dreibholz <dreibh@iem.uni-due.de> Fri, 23 May 2014 07:14 UTC
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[Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message.] CALL FOR PARTICIPATION We cordially invite you to join us at: The 2nd International NorNet Users Workshop (NNUW-2) at the Simula Research Laboratory in Fornebu, Akershus/Norway August 28-29, 2014 https://www.nntb.no/workshops/nnuw-2/ The registration opens soon! Please register as early as possible. More than one year ago, the NorNet project has started with the intention to build up the world’s first large-scale network testbed for multi-homed systems. NorNet should provide researchers the possibility to perform experiments in real-world wired and wireless setups. Now, the wired part – denoted as NorNet Core – as well as the wireless part – denoted as NorNet Edge – have reached a stage that allows further researchers to start running such experiments. That is, currently 14 NorNet Core sites and more than 300 NorNet Edge nodes are ready to support your research ideas on resilience, mobility, security, multi-path transport and further subjects! This workshop intends to provide current as well as new and future NorNet users the possibility to get information about the NorNet testbed and initial research results, to discuss their ideas with the testbed developers and to get the possibility for obtaining access to NorNet. Further details on the workshop are available at: https://www.nntb.no/workshops/nnuw-2/ An information sheet in PDF format can be found here: https://www.nntb.no/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/NNUW-2-CallForParticipation.pdf A detailed description of NorNet can be found at: https://www.nntb.no/ We are looking forward to see you in Fornebu! The NNUW-2 Organisers
- [vnfpool] The 2nd NorNet Users Workshop (NNUW-2) Thomas Dreibholz
- [vnfpool] The 2nd NorNet Users Workshop (NNUW-2) Thomas Dreibholz