Re: [webfinger] New WebFinger Draft posted
Mike Jones <> Sat, 17 August 2013 18:47 UTC
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From: Mike Jones <>
To: Melvin Carvalho <>, "Paul E. Jones" <>
Thread-Topic: [webfinger] New WebFinger Draft posted
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 18:45:47 +0000
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When used, the ordering can do good. When not used, it does no harm. Please leave it in. Thanks, -- Mike From: [] On Behalf Of Melvin Carvalho Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2013 11:40 AM To: Paul E. Jones Cc: webfinger Subject: Re: [webfinger] New WebFinger Draft posted On 17 August 2013 20:32, Paul E. Jones <<>> wrote: Melvin, We have been asked about this before. If we leave it in, it meets the needs of some. I admit there might be cases where it's hard to control order, but if it matters, there is at least a way. In my own implementation, I assign an integer value to each entry and sort on that. I have no strong objection either way, but I do think it's good to have for those who care. I understand the trade offs. However, I can see that this is useful in many cases, particularly this would work well for openid, but other use cases, eg to have a friends list, for something like a federated social web, would then be perhaps impractical with JRD (not the end of the world, though) Paul ________________________________ From: Melvin Carvalho <<>> Sent: Sat Aug 17 14:12:11 EDT 2013 To: "Paul E. Jones" <<>> Cc: webfinger <<>> Subject: Re: [webfinger] New WebFinger Draft posted On 9 August 2013 18:09, Paul E. Jones <<>> wrote: Folks, As we're trying to bring the WebFinger spec to a close, we published a new version -17 with some changes the WG might want to consider. Draft is: Those changes are: - Section 2, added a new last paragraph to explain what URI syntax we use in WebFinger - Corrected error in section 3.2 ("Host:" line in example and quotes around "3.2") - We remove the words "absolute URI" since it's really redundant - Added "query target" to 4.5 for clarity - Introduced a new section 8 that describes "WebFinger" applications. This is a major new addition. - Added a new section 10.3 and 10.4 to address registration of link relation types and properties. Link relations types already have a registry and we refer to existing procedures. WebFinger properties did not have a registry, so we define one, primarily for the purpose of helping people avoid creating redundant definitions. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to post to the list. [[ The order of elements in the "links" array indicates an order of preference. Thus, if there are two or more link relations having the same "rel" value, the first link relation would indicate the user's preferred link. ]] Maybe remove this altogether, as I am unsure it can be guaranteed. Case 1: Let's say I have a list of friends, how am I to determine as a server the preferred friends? How am I to determine as a client whether the friends are ordered or not? Case 2: Say I mash up data from two sources, how do I then order the combined list? Paul _______________________________________________ webfinger mailing list<>
- Re: [webfinger] New WebFinger Draft posted Melvin Carvalho
- Re: [webfinger] New WebFinger Draft posted Paul E. Jones
- [webfinger] New WebFinger Draft posted Paul E. Jones
- Re: [webfinger] New WebFinger Draft posted Melvin Carvalho
- Re: [webfinger] New WebFinger Draft posted Mike Jones
- Re: [webfinger] New WebFinger Draft posted Melvin Carvalho
- Re: [webfinger] New WebFinger Draft posted Paul E. Jones
- Re: [webfinger] New WebFinger Draft posted Bob Wyman
- Re: [webfinger] New WebFinger Draft posted Melvin Carvalho
- Re: [webfinger] New WebFinger Draft posted Paul E. Jones
- Re: [webfinger] New WebFinger Draft posted Nick Jennings
- Re: [webfinger] New WebFinger Draft posted Melvin Carvalho
- Re: [webfinger] New WebFinger Draft posted Paul E. Jones
- Re: [webfinger] New WebFinger Draft posted Mike Jones
- Re: [webfinger] New WebFinger Draft posted Melvin Carvalho
- Re: [webfinger] New WebFinger Draft posted Paul E. Jones
- Re: [webfinger] New WebFinger Draft posted Melvin Carvalho
- Re: [webfinger] New WebFinger Draft posted Bill Mills
- Re: [webfinger] New WebFinger Draft posted Gonzalo Salgueiro