Re: [webfinger] Registration of a URN for WebFinger Properties

Will Norris <> Fri, 11 October 2013 18:58 UTC

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Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2013 11:57:09 -0700
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Cc: webfinger <>, Melvin Carvalho <>
Subject: Re: [webfinger] Registration of a URN for WebFinger Properties
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On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 10:07 AM, Paul E. Jones <>wrote:

>  Melvin,
> See comments below:
> On 10/11/2013 11:01 AM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
>  I agree, though none of these are designed for use in WebFinger.  So, I
>> created my own.  You can't point to something 5 years old and declare I'm
>> reproducing it because there is some syntax scribbling that has the word
>> "name" associated with it.
>> What I defined in the link above for "name", for example, is somewhere
>> between foaf:name and the one related to vcard.  WebFinger has a registry
>> for identifiers now.  It would be good to see that get populated with
>> useful items, though I would not recommend putting everything one might
>> possibly put into a vcard in there.  If a vcard is essential, the vcard
>> link relation should be published in a WF JRD and a client query that.
>> However, there are basic things like "name" that are very useful, such as
>> when you log into a web site and that site would like to display
>> your avatar and name.  The avatar already has a defined LR value under
>>  The person's name does not have a defined property
>> identifier anywhere, except the one I specified under
>  Ah I see what you've done, you've added some internationalization, ie
> one URI for each language?  Apart from that are there any differences to
> FOAF (by the way FOAF already has standards for internationalization)
>  Wouldnt this lead to potentially dozens of new URIs, per term, for
> example, for a different one for every language supported?
> FOAF does not define a set of URI.  Rather, it's XML-based markup.
> WebFinger uses URIs as identifiers.  I don't really care where those
> identifiers are defined, but at present there is no standard property
> identifer in URI form that means "name".
> ?  Of course that doesn't have the language
fragment, though as you point out below, there's an argument it may not be
needed anyway.  /shrug

> Using the URI fragment to indicate the language does introduce a number of
> distinct URIs, but having the language tag would need to be *somewhere*if we want to allow the language to be specified as part of the property.
> Unlike XML, we do not have additional attributes we can apply.  Arguably,
> we do not need to specify the language and we allow a user to advertise
> just a single name.  However, I've found it beneficial to allow people to
> advertise names in at least two different character sets.  I can't read
> Chinese, Japanese, or Korean, for example, so allowing a western alphabet
> is helpful to be used in parallel with the native alphabet is nice.
> Paul