[websec] Requiring OCSP Stapling as a directive in HSTS
Tom Ritter <tom@ritter.vg> Mon, 19 January 2015 17:56 UTC
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From: Tom Ritter <tom@ritter.vg>
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 11:55:39 -0600
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Subject: [websec] Requiring OCSP Stapling as a directive in HSTS
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Hi all. I'd like to propose an idea: add an optional directive to the HSTS header that, when included, mandates any certificate received for a domain require OCSP Stapling. It would respect includeSubdomains and max-age. The threat model I'm trying to address is an attacker who can get a valid certificate misissued for a domain. Because of the revocation situation, the attacker can then MITM users with impunity, blocking revocation lookups if they occur. While UAs would receive a crlset or other push of revoked certificates, I believe that the UA will still work if that connection is blocked, and it's not clear how long that connection must be blocked before the UA stops working entirely. (If that happens at all.) Counting from the detection of the attack (which efforts like CT and Pinning help detect), requiring OCSP stapling changes the window of attack from {forever?, 30 days?, an unknown value?} to the OCSP staple's lifetime. (Assuming the attacker gets a OCSP signature right before revocation.) Why OCSP stapling and not require the UA to instead use 'hard-fail' revocation checking? Well, CRLs have all sorts of drawbacks: longer expiry times, large sizes, and they're pretty much being phased out everywhere. (I know about Delta-CRLs - developing a specification for them, implementing, and deploying them will take years, if ever, due to IPR stuff. This does not.) What about requiring OCSP querying? Browsers don't much care for that - it's slow, can timeout for non-security reasons, it's out of the control of the web site owner. That leaves us with OCSP Stapling - it's fast, implemented, deployed. While I'm not opposed to making the language say "Hard Fail Revocation Checking" I would expect UAs to interpret that as OCSP stapling, and would not want to delay implementation to account for unlikely-used corner cases. And if we say OCSP Stapling, there's no reason that down the road we could add a new directive for 'hard-fail-revocation' and let it encompass many different checks. As far as 'Where?' and why 'In HSTS'? I see four options: a HTTP Header, a TLS Extension, a DNSSEC record, and a Certificate Extension. Certificate Extension is being worked on (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-hallambaker-tlsfeature/) but I see it as a compliment to this. The certificate extension only dictates policy for this certificate. If we assume an attacker can get a misissued certificate for a domain, the cert extension is only useful when it is the default issuing status and an attacker must have additional privledges to circumvent it. And it doesn't make sense to have a certificate extension dictate policy for a whole domain, that's a very strange location to put this sort of data. A DNSSEC record has deployment problems, we can't retrieve it reliably. Fallback or soft-fail provides no security and is useless here. A TLS Extension makes a certain amount of sense. We're trying to dictate a policy for TLS connections, not HTTP. But it's more difficult to deploy TLS Extensions than HTTP headers, the TLS working group is tremendously busy, and technically this would fit more with the closed PKIX group. That leaves us with a HTTP Header. I think it makes more sense to put this as a directive on HSTS rather than making a new header. While I could imagine situations where one would want to require revocation checking (or pinning for example) without requiring TLS, I don't see it as a huge use case. Rather, putting it in HSTS is a small incremental upgrade that avoids redefining all the other stuff. Should the UA require a staple for all certs in the chain (Intermediates included) or just the leaf? I'm not religious about one or the other, I'd probably lean towards requiring all but I'd need to review the implementation and deployment status of multi-stapling. Just requiring the leaf is simpler from a deployment perspective I believe, and compromised intermediates cause immediate browser pushes anyway. Would there be support for this draft? -tom