[websec] draft-ietf-websec-key-pinning-20 feedback

Julian Reschke <jreschke@adobe.com> Tue, 26 August 2014 08:54 UTC

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Hi there.

Some more quick feedback, somewhat unstructured...

Throughout: please say "header field" rather than "header".

>    The "Public-Key-Pins" and "Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only" header
>    fields, also referred to within this specification as the PKP and
>    PKP-RO header fields, respectively, are new response headers defined
>    in this specification.  They are used by a server to indicate that a

s/server/origin server/ maybe?

>    Figure 1 describes the syntax (Augmented Backus-Naur Form) of the
>    header fields, using the grammar defined in [RFC5234] and the rules
>    defined in Section 3.2 of [RFC7230].  The field values of both header
>    fields conform to the same rules.
>    Public-Key-Directives = [ directive ] *( OWS ";" OWS [ directive ] )
>    directive             = simple-directive
>                          / pin-directive
>    simple-directive      = directive-name [ "=" directive-value ]
>    directive-name        = token
>    directive-value       = token
>                          / quoted-string
>    pin-directive         = "pin-" token "=" quoted-string

1) I would recommend not to special-case pin-directive here, as it makes 
the ABNF ambiguous. Just put the additional requirements into prose.

2) The value of pin-directive ought to allow token syntax as well. 
(Otherwise a conforming parser will need to special-case their parsing 
which doesn't make any sense at all).

>        given header field.  Directives are either optional or required,
>        as stipulated in their definitions.


>    Additional directives extending the semantic functionality of the
>    header fields can be defined in other specifications.  The first such
>    specification will need to define a reistry for such directives.


>    According to rule 5, above, the UA MUST ignore pin-directives with

Repeats a requirement. Maybe do not use MUST here; instead say "will".

>    tokens naming hash algorithms it does not recognize.  If the set of
>    remaining effective pin-directives is empty, and if the host is a
>    Known Pinned Host, the UA MUST cease to consider the host as a Known
>    Pinned Host (the UA should fail open).  The UA should indicate to


>    UAs SHOULD make their best effort to report Pin Validation failures
>    to the report-uri, but may fail to report in exceptional conditions.

MAY? (in general: try to avoid lowercase RFC2119 terms)