[websec] Stephen Farrell's Discuss on draft-ietf-websec-key-pinning-19: (with DISCUSS and COMMENT)

"Stephen Farrell" <stephen.farrell@cs.tcd.ie> Thu, 07 August 2014 11:07 UTC

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Stephen Farrell has entered the following ballot position for
draft-ietf-websec-key-pinning-19: Discuss

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email addresses included in the To and CC lines. (Feel free to cut this
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Please refer to http://www.ietf.org/iesg/statement/discuss-criteria.html
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The document, along with other ballot positions, can be found here:


Good doc. Two things I'd like to check before moving to a yes

(1) 2.1 - Can a simple-directive start with "pin-"?  Seems like
yes it can, but then the ABNF is ambiguous about the RHS of the
"=" I think, is that right? Its no big deal since valid values
will parse anyway, so only an issue if you ever care about
simple-directive vs. pin-directive. Ah - does the last para of
2.1 mean that this distinction is needed really?

(2) 2.1.3 says that "If the scheme in the report-uri is one
that uses TLS (e.g.  HTTPS), UAs MUST perform Pinning
Validation when the host in the report-uri is a Known Pinned
Host;" That's generally ok, however, I think it may break for
alt-svc, where TLS is used but https is not, or if TCPINC
decided on a TLS based solution then some coder might get it
wrong. I think a simple re-statement in terms of http vs. https
URIs should fix this. I realise that neither alt-svc nor TCPINC
existed when this work started, but since they now do it'd pay
to think about them and I don't recall seeing that on the
websec list (apologies if I'm wrong there).  The IFF in 2.5
also seems related.  2.2 has same issues about alt-svc and
TCPINC. I do see that you only say "e.g. TLS" here but 
wonder nonetheless, e.g. would 2.2.1 cover an alt-svc case 
or not?


abstract and elswhere: SubjectPublicKeyInfo doesn't usually
have spaces between the terms. No big deal. After the abstract
would a ref to 5280 be right for SPKI as well?

general: I think emphasising the backup pin requirement in the
intro would be good. It's a little hidden now and would be a
surprise to some I bet.

2.1 - pin-directive has the literal "pin-" but later you say
(in bullet #3) that directive names are case insensitive.  Does
that apply to "pin-" as well or not? 

2.1 - has some typos: reistry and hahs

2.1 - "Known Pinned Host" would be a fine term to define in a
section 1.1 that was renamed via s/Requirements

2.1.1 - max-age is really defined against the time of reception
and not (in principle) from when its emitted?  I know that
makes no difference now, but with a sufficient latency (e.g.
Earth->Mars, min 4 mins, max 20 mins, and yes my DTN heritage
is showing:-) it could, just about. I think to be pedantically
correct, max-age ought be defined versus the time of emission
and not receipt.

2.1.2 - uses the term "Pinned Host" which is not the same as
the previously used "Known Pinned Host" - is the distinction
meant to be significant or is that a typo?

2.1.3/section 4 - shouldn't the potential DoS issues be
discussed for cases where report-uri != same-origin? E.g.  if
busy-site.example.net (is hacked and) sets report-uri to
victim.example.com (maybe with some HTML/JS that generates
loads of queries to the victimj) that'd be like getting /.'d I
think that's maybe worth noting in the security considerations
or in 2.1.3 where you (quite properly) say to rate-limit
reporting. If you'd rather not say why though, that's ok too.