Re: [weirds] I-D Action: draft-hollenbeck-dnrd-ap-query-00.txt

Michael Young <> Tue, 01 May 2012 13:29 UTC

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From: Michael Young <>
Date: Tue, 01 May 2012 09:29:15 -0400
To: Dave Piscitello <>
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Subject: Re: [weirds] I-D Action: draft-hollenbeck-dnrd-ap-query-00.txt
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Well registry operators have been listing "bulk Whois" in their to be developed list right in the registry agreements for some time. 

I think what the protocol needs is an option to request a large task ( such as "develop a specified report") and a subsequent notification mechanism to alert the requester the report (or data collection) is ready to retrieve. 

Michael Young

On 2012-05-01, at 8:18 AM, Dave Piscitello <> wrote:

> Well, I think you may have a different notion of how the protocol would be used; in particular, I think you are only considering "public access".
> I'll ask the questions that seems to be unanswered:
> - Are we designing the queries to be only useful for user to name registry, name registrar "web pages"?
> - Do we intend to accommodate automated queries, where software/scripts ask queries using http/https and get JSON/XML whatever responses?
> - Do we intend to accommodate queries that one might make on sets of name registration data that have been collected over time and now form a local data repository?
> I believe the answer is yes to all three. While "public" searchable Whois (or in general query by object/argument) may not initially be permitted by law or policy, shouldn't the protocol take into consideration how researchers, investigators, etc. make use of collected data today - and make it easier and more robust.
> On May 1, 2012, at 4:19 AM, Antoin Verschuren wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On 01-05-12 04:46, John Levine wrote:
>>> For a name registry or registrar, I'd be thrilled to get a list of 
>>> name servers they know about that resolve to that IP.  A common
>>> bad guy trick is to register a bunch of names, stick them all on
>>> the same servers, but use a different subdomain name for each one,
>>> e.g. has name server and has
>>> , but they're really the same IP.
>> Before people are getting too wet erotic area's, I think the request
>> is not about names.
>> For a names registry, only forward lookups are permitted, so query a
>> name, and get back IPs'. Querying for an IP and getting back names
>> from a names registry is, although perhaps technically viable, not
>> permitted by at least European database law.
>> I can imagine that it's cool info though, I would certainly like a
>> query for a postal code and get a list of all Internet resources
>> listed at that physical address. Great marketing info, but not the
>> info a registry is supposed to deliver.
>> The IP query is for RIR's I suppose. They deliver IP blocks, so
>> querying for an IP there will give you their registration data for
>> that block. No reverse search.
>> The ID search is something registrars indeed sometimes use to see if
>> the object that exists in their internal DB still exist in the
>> registries DB so they link the correct objects. But also here, it's
>> only a forward object search, no information on what other objects are
>> linked to it in the registry DB.
>> Or to give an example: I want to know when registering a new object if
>> my role-object in the registry DB is still correct, so I query for it
>> by object-ID, that I know by heart or is in my own administration. I
>> then only get back that object, and not all the resources that it is
>> used in.
>> - -- 
>> Antoin Verschuren
>> Technical Policy Advisor SIDN
>> Meander 501, PO Box 5022, 6802 EA Arnhem, The Netherlands
>> P: +31 26 3525500  F: +31 26 3525505  M: +31 6 23368970
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