[weirds] Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-lacnic-restwhois-redirects-00.txt

Carlos Martinez-Cagnazzo <carlosm3011@gmail.com> Wed, 16 May 2012 19:31 UTC

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Hello all,

congrats on the birth of WEIRDS as a WG.

I've posted an I-D documenting our implementation of redirection in a
RESTful WHOIS world. Bear in mind that this is NOT a protocol spec,
although some wording might point in that direction. This drafts
documents currently running code and nothing else.

A draft on redirects will follow later at some point, or be integrated
into other documents.

Warm regards,


Carlos Martinez-Cagnazzo
R+D Engineer

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	New Version Notification for
Date: 	Wed, 16 May 2012 12:23:50 -0700
From: 	internet-drafts@ietf.org
To: 	carlos@lacnic.net
CC: 	dario@lacnic.net, gerardo@lacnic.net, aservin@lacnic.net

A new version of I-D, draft-lacnic-restwhois-redirects-00.txt has been successfully submitted by Carlos M. Martinez and posted to the IETF repository.

Filename:	 draft-lacnic-restwhois-redirects
Revision:	 00
Title:		 LACNIC&#39;s Redirection Service for Number Resource RESTful WHOIS Queries
Creation date:	 2012-05-16
WG ID:		 Individual Submission
Number of pages: 15

   The traditional WHOIS protocol has several important shortcomings,
   and over the past few years several approaches to a better WHOIS have
   been discussed and proposed.

   Among these shortcomings, different registries operate different
   WHOIS services.  For users this implies that several WHOIS queries to
   different registries may be necessary in order to obtain data for a
   given resource.

   This document describes a proof-of-concept redirection service for
   RESTful WHOIS queries as implemented by LACNIC.  This service allows
   users to query a single WHOIS service and be redirected to the
   authoritative registry.

   The main goal of this document is to encourage discussion on the
   topics of Joint WHOIS services and query redirection in a RESTful
   WHOIS world.

   The solution implemented by LACNIC proposed here applies to numbering
   resources (IPv4, IPv6 and autonomous system numbers).


The IETF Secretariat