[weirds] Scope and guiding principles (was Re: I-D Action: draft-hollenbeck-dnrd-ap-query-00.txt)

Francisco Arias <francisco.arias@icann.org> Thu, 03 May 2012 23:56 UTC

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Steve and I believe we may benefit by agreeing in a few basic principles
to guide our work. From this and previous discussions we'd suggest the
following guiding principles:

1. The protocol MUST enable policy options, not dictate them. (We should
specify all the features that are requested, subject to principle #2
below, without requiring them to be implemented. What to implement is a
registry/registrar/policy-maker decision outside of the scope of this

2. We MUST only specify features that are already required/implemented by
registries/registrars. )Other features can be specified later by those
interested in extensions to the protocol.)


