Re: IESG experiment to conduct 360-degree reviews for ADs
Bob Hinden <> Fri, 15 October 2021 15:30 UTC
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Subject: Re: IESG experiment to conduct 360-degree reviews for ADs
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2021 08:30:00 -0700
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Cc: Bob Hinden <>, Working Chairs <>, IESG <>
To: IETF Chair <>
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Lars, I responded to the survey after I received it. I am fine with doing surveys. However this one appears to have been written with a very negative slant. For example (removed the name of the AD it asked about: Q7. What best describes the quality of Internet-Drafts that XXXX XXXXX reviewed and submitted to IETF Last Call? I was expecting to select between answers like high quality to low quality, but the questions are: More significant problems than average About the same severity of probems Fewer Significant problems than average No opinion. It might have as well just asked “when did you stop beating your wife”. I think this survey needs to be rewritten provide for neutral answers. The current ones appear to assume there are problems. It’s really bad in my view. So far IMHO, the experiment is a “fail”. Bob > On Oct 15, 2021, at 7:01 AM, IETF Chair <> wrote: > > Hi, > > the IESG has started an experiment to conduct 360-degree reviews [1] of current > Area Directors, to give them direct feedback allowing them to develop their > method of working and behaviors. The feedback is entirely anonymous and we are > not collecting tracking information. These types of IETF participants have been > asked to provide feedback on the ADs they interacted with: > > * IAB, LLC, secretariat and IESG members will receive a survey for each AD > > * Each working group chair will receive a survey for their responsible ADs > > * Shepherds of drafts that went to the ballot in the past 12 months will receive > a survey for the responsible AD, if still active > > * Shepherds of drafts that spent any time in the AD Evaluation state in the past > 12 months will receive a survey for the responsible AD, if still active > > The IETF Secretariat will collect the responses and aggregate them as follows: > Individual survey responses will be kept anonymous. Each Area Director will > receive a summary of all responses to their survey, and the IESG as a whole will > receive a rollup of the results of all surveys. The IESG will publicly release > the aggregate result for the entire IESG. > > If this experiment provides useful input to current Area Directors, the IESG may > decide to continue 360-degree reviews in future years, possibly extend the > survey to reach more of the community, or take other actions. A successful > experiment may also lead to discussions on whether similar activities for IAB > members, Working Group chairs or other roles may be useful to undertake. > > If you have been emailed feedback forms, the IESG would appreciate your input > by Monday 25 October 2021. > > Lars Eggert > IETF Chair (on behalf of the IESG) > > [1] > _______________________________________________ > IETF-Announce mailing list > >
- IESG experiment to conduct 360-degree reviews for… IETF Chair
- Re: IESG experiment to conduct 360-degree reviews… Bob Hinden
- Re: IESG experiment to conduct 360-degree reviews… Rifaat Shekh-Yusef
- RE: IESG experiment to conduct 360-degree reviews… MORTON JR., AL
- Re: IESG experiment to conduct 360-degree reviews… Christian Hopps
- Re: IESG experiment to conduct 360-degree reviews… Salz, Rich
- RE: IESG experiment to conduct 360-degree reviews… STARK, BARBARA H