[wpkops] Fwd: NIST Requests Comments on 2nd Draft of NISTIR 7924: Reference Certificate Policy
Michael Jenkins <m.jenkins.364706@gmail.com> Fri, 06 June 2014 12:29 UTC
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Subject: [wpkops] Fwd: NIST Requests Comments on 2nd Draft of NISTIR 7924: Reference Certificate Policy
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Saw this posted on the PKIX mail-list, thought it might be of interest here as well. Mike Jenkins NIST announces the public comment release of the second draft of Interagency Report 7924, Reference Certificate Policy <http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/PubsDrafts.html#NIST-IR-7924>. The purpose of this document is to identify a set of security controls and practices to support the secure issuance of certificates. It was written in the form of a Certificate Policy (CP), a standard format for defining the expectations and requirements of the relying party community that will trust the certificates issued by its Certificate Authorities (CAs). NIST released the first draft of this publication in April 2013 and received extensive public comments. This revised draft incorporates changes requested by commenters, many intended to improve the security controls identified in the document, provide additional flexibility for CAs, and clarify ambiguities in the previous release. NIST requests comments on Draft IR 7924 by *Friday, August 1, 2014*. Please send comments to nistir7924-comments@nist.gov, using the public comment template found at the link above. If the in-line link above does not work, please use the URL: http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/PubsDrafts.html#NIST-IR-7924
- [wpkops] Fwd: NIST Requests Comments on 2nd Draft… Michael Jenkins