Re: [xml2rfc] [irsg] character sets, was UPDATE regarding <u>

Carsten Bormann <> Sat, 04 March 2023 16:38 UTC

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Subject: Re: [xml2rfc] [irsg] character sets, was UPDATE regarding <u>
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On 2023-03-04, at 16:46, John R Levine <> wrote:
> In any event, this reminds us that we need some discipline in what we allow beyond letters and punctuation.  Unicode does not make this any easier by providing so many different glyphs that look nearly or exactly the same.

Correct, except that the “allow” is a bit misplaced.  “Recommend”, “nudge authors towards”,  “consider good style” etc. would have worked better for me.

Anyway, that’s why there is now authoring support in kramdown-rfc for character repertoire diagnostics, initially with the tool “echars” (which doesn’t require actually using markdown).  

For those actually using markdown, eventually, I expect the yaml header to the markdown input to be able to carry a declaration of what non 10,32-126,160,8203,8209,8288 characters are actually desired in the input, so warnings can be emitted if the document isn’t staying inside those bounds.

Both of these would be helped by access to information about the current repertoire limitations of xml2rfc, which is why I initiated this subthread.

Grüße, Carsten