Re: [xrblock] WGLC for draft-ietf-xrblock-rtcp-xr-discardandxrblock-rtcp-xr-discard-rle-metrics

Qin Wu <> Wed, 11 July 2012 03:50 UTC

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Subject: Re: [xrblock] WGLC for draft-ietf-xrblock-rtcp-xr-discardandxrblock-rtcp-xr-discard-rle-metrics
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Hi, Varun:
One confusion I have is which discard rate or loss rate is applied to which stream 
when we talk about two streams ( i.e., duplicated stream and basic stream)? 
Please see my followup comments inline.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Varun Singh" <>
To: "Qin Wu" <>
Cc: "Alan Clark" <>; "Shida Schubert" <>; "xrblock" <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 10:02 PM
Subject: Re: [xrblock] WGLC for draft-ietf-xrblock-rtcp-xr-discardandxrblock-rtcp-xr-discard-rle-metrics

> On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 4:28 PM, Qin Wu <> wrote:
>> Hi, Varun:
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Varun Singh" <>
>> To: "Qin Wu" <>
>> Cc: "Alan Clark" <>; "Shida Schubert" <>; "xrblock" <>
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 8:35 PM
>> Subject: Re: [xrblock] WGLC for draft-ietf-xrblock-rtcp-xr-discardandxrblock-rtcp-xr-discard-rle-metrics
>>> Hi Qin,
>>> On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 2:46 PM, Qin Wu <> wrote:
>>>> Hi, Alan:
>>>> Quoting what you said:
>>>> "
>>>> If the duplicate packet count is X% of the received packet
>>>>  count this indicates that a (100-X)% packet loss rate is being "hidden" by
>>>> the replicated packets
>>>> "
>>>> I am wondering how this packet loss rate is calculated or just a probability estimation?
>>>> As described in RFC3611, the packet loss rate is
>>>> " calculated by dividing the total number of packets lost  by
>>>>  the total number of packets expected
>>>> "
>>>> Would you like to clarify if packet loss rate you proposed conflict with RFC3611?
>>> Quoting the RFC3611 (Sec 4.7.1):
>>>   loss rate: 8 bits
>>>         The fraction of RTP data packets from the source lost since the
>>>         beginning of reception, expressed as a fixed point number with
>>>         the binary point at the left edge of the field.  This value is
>>>         calculated by dividing the total number of packets lost (after
>>>         the effects of applying any error protection such as FEC) by
>>>         the total number of packets expected, multiplying the result of
>>>         the division by 256, limiting the maximum value to 255 (to
>>>         avoid overflow), and taking the integer part.  The numbers of
>>>         duplicated packets and discarded packets do not enter into this
>>>         calculation. (..)
>> [Qin]: RFC3611 (Sec 4.7.1), that's what I quoted above as well.
>> Based on how to calculate loss rate in the Sec4.7.1 of RFC3611,
>> the loss rate depends on the total number of packets **expected** rather than
>> the total number of packets **received**.
>> The total number of packet expected should include packets recieved, + packets lost + packets discarded.
> The *expected* packets is just a difference in HSN sequence numbers of
> the last and current reporting interval and not sum of received, lost,
> and discarded 

[Qin]: I think if there is no duplicated packet, the total number of packet expected should
 be equivalent to the sum of received,lost and discarded.

>(note the last line of the quoted paragraph, the
> duplicate and discarded packets are ignored by the calculation).

[Qin]: In my understanding, if duplicate packets are not ignored by the calculation.
packet expected will not be equivalent to the sum of received,lost and discarded.

Regarding why discarded packets are ignored, based on the same paragraph you quoted
         The numbers of
         duplicated packets and discarded packets do not enter into this
         calculation.  Since receivers cannot be required to maintain
         unlimited buffers, a receiver MAY categorize late-arriving
         packets as lost. 
I think the reason is the discarded packet due to late arriving is regarded as packet lost.
That's why they the discard packet are ignored.

> So if X packets were lost, and the duplicate stream removed the X
> losses. The loss rate may be 0, 

[Qin]: I think 0% loss rate is applied to basis stream or main stream rather than duplicate stream.
I am wondering whether we also need to measure the loss rate of duplicate stream?
Do we assume there is no packet loss for duplicate stream?

>if the receiver interprets the
> redundant stream as providing error resilience. I think the statement
> in the RFC says "such as FEC", but it does not limit it to FEC.

[Qin]: Agree.

>>> Since the duplicate stream might reduce the number of lost packets the
>>> loss rate is going to be lower. As per Alan's example, the X% loss
>>> rate would disappear due to the redundant stream.
>> [Qin]: I fully understand the concept proposed by Alan. However what I am a little confused  is
>> in what he said, whether (100-X)% is "packet discard rate" or "packet loss rate".
>>> So what will appear in the discard rate for the two streams is:
>>> Stream1: 0% discard rate (because this is baseline and all the packets
>>> received here are played out)
>>> Stream2 (redundant): (100-X)% discarded rate, because X% was used by
>>> Stream1 for error-resilience and the rest of the packets were
>>> discarded
>> [Qin] So you confirm that (100-X)% is discard rate rather than loss rate?
> Yes: (100-X)% is the discard rate and X% is the loss rate but may
> appear as 0% loss rate.

[Qin]: Again, I think (100-X)% discard rate is applied to duplicate stream.
X% of duplicate stream is used to conceal packet loss for main stream or 
basic stream.

This may make the loss rate of basic stream decreased into 0%. but maybe not since
some packet loss can not be concealed.

Also I think people may not care about the loss rate of duplicated stream or just assume packet loss in duplicated stream is zero.

> However, this draft only reports discard packet counts and not discard rates.
> But the rates can be calculated by the monitor=
> Stream1: 0 duplicate packets discarded
> Stream2: M-N duplicate packets discarded. M were the packets in the
> interval and N were the packets used by Stream1, If the discard count
> is sent in conjunction with the Measurement Identity block then the
> monitor can calculate the discarded/expected which should be (100-X)%.
[Qin]: If my understanding is correct, in your use case:
discard rate =(M-N)/M =(100-X)% 
(100-X)% discard rate is again applied to duplicated stream 2 rather than basic stream 1.
I am wondering how loss rate of stream 1 is affected X% duplicated stream 2?
What's the relationship between discard rate of stream 2 and loss rate of stream 1?
Also It is not clear to me if before stream 1 and stream 2 are sent to the receivers,
if the number of packets in the stream 1 is same as the number of packets in the stream 2?

>> Also it seems here you are talking about FEC stream are transmitted with
>> main stream. The main stream will be repaired by the FEC stream.
>> In this case, I am wondering if we use the same method to calculate
>> loss rate or discard rate.
>> Also I am not sure if the number of packet in the FEC stream should be same
>> as the number of packets in the main streams?
>>> Regards,
>>> Varun
>>>> Also I am wondering how to incorporate your concept into this draft?
>>>> Maybe have a new section to talk about "Consideration for duplicated packets discard".
>>>> I am not sure.
>>>> Regards!
>>>> -Qin
>>>> '----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Alan Clark" <>
>>>> To: "Shida Schubert" <>; "Varun Singh" <>
>>>> Cc: "Qin Wu" <>; "xrblock" <>
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 9:32 AM
>>>> Subject: Re: [xrblock] WGLC for draft-ietf-xrblock-rtcp-xr-discardandxrblock-rtcp-xr-discard-rle-metrics
>>>>> The key is that from a performance perspective you would need to look at
>>>>> early/ late discards as a symptom of PDV due to congestion (or route
>>>>> changes) however duplicate packets have quite different causes.
>>>>> (a) A few duplicate packets can indicate some form of Layer 1/2 LAN problem.
>>>>> This would not need to be an accurate measure - more of a general barometer.
>>>>> (b) If the number of duplicate packets is very high then this may be due to
>>>>> RTP replication - and if this is the case then you would want to compare the
>>>>> number of duplicate packets to the number of received packets in the same
>>>>> time interval. If the duplicate packet count is X% of the received packet
>>>>> count this indicates that a (100-X)% packet loss rate is being "hidden" by
>>>>> the replicated packets, and it is very useful to know the actual loss rate
>>>>> (useful to indicate that replication should be kept "on" and helpful to know
>>>>> that there are some network issues that need to be investigated).
>>>>> It may be useful to explain this in the draft to provide some background
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Alan
>>>>> On 7/9/12 8:59 PM, "Shida Schubert" <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Qin;
>>>>>>  I also think (a) is more useful. (b) seems to merge
>>>>>> 4 different semantics into 1 (discard + early, discard  + late,
>>>>>> discard + both, discard only).
>>>>>>  I think all we need to do, is to add some text describing
>>>>>> that misc and other 3 can not be in a same reporting
>>>>>> block, but you can convey them by using 2 reporting
>>>>>> blocks instead for the same reporting period.
>>>>>>  Regards
>>>>>>   Shida
>>>>>> On Jul 9, 2012, at 7:39 PM, Varun Singh wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Qin,
>>>>>>> I thought the agreement for some time has been that the "others"
>>>>>>> category was not a summation of everything but an independent category
>>>>>>> for discards. That was one of the reasons why I had originally
>>>>>>> proposed the order of discard types to be misc (DT=0) and then early
>>>>>>> (DT=01), late (DT=10) and both (DT=11). However, I have no strong
>>>>>>> opinion in the ordering.
>>>>>>> I prefer the proposal (a) because there is the duplicate RTP streams
>>>>>>> draft (
>>>>>>> and while I have not implemented it, but an RTP monitors might want to
>>>>>>> know which streams duplicate packets were discarded independently of
>>>>>>> late/early arrivals.
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Varun
>>>>>>> On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 10:59 AM, Qin Wu <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi, Shida:
>>>>>>>> Just to clarify, the question you ask is very good question.
>>>>>>>> That's why Varun and I both proposed some text on the list try to fix the
>>>>>>>> issue you raised.
>>>>>>>> Currently, one thing I am not sure is whether we should report
>>>>>>>> (a) discards of duplication packets independently (As Alan suggested)
>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>> (b) report discards of duplication packets combined with early and discard
>>>>>>>> (i.e.,As I proposed in the current draft, DT=3 for all discard types).
>>>>>>>> or we take both (a) and (b) in the draft.
>>>>>>>> Regards!
>>>>>>>> -Qin
>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>> From: "Shida Schubert" <>
>>>>>>>> To: "Qin Wu" <>
>>>>>>>> Cc: "Varun Singh" <>; "Alan Clark"
>>>>>>>> <>; "xrblock" <>
>>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, July 09, 2012 3:31 PM
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [xrblock] WGLC for
>>>>>>>> draft-ietf-xrblock-rtcp-xr-discardandxrblock-rtcp-xr-discard-rle-metrics
>>>>>>>> Qin;
>>>>>>>> I was just simply asking a question that came up while I was reviewing the
>>>>>>>> draft
>>>>>>>> and I have no position on this.
>>>>>>>> So what you have currently is fine with me.
>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>  Shida
>>>>>>>> On Jul 9, 2012, at 2:59 PM, Qin Wu wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,Shida:
>>>>>>>>> Yes, currently we have four types. but the the 4 th type has been replaced
>>>>>>>>> with combine early, late and discarded due to duplication) in the current
>>>>>>>>> draft.
>>>>>>>>> You are right, if we combine discards due to duplication with either 1, or
>>>>>>>>> 2, we need to have two report blocks.
>>>>>>>>> My question, do we have the clear use case for such combinations you
>>>>>>>>> identify?
>>>>>>>>> Regarding the assumption on whether it is used when duplicate packet
>>>>>>>>> arrives early or late,
>>>>>>>>> I think you should also consider one duplicated packet arrives on  time and
>>>>>>>>> how is discareded due to that it is duplicated packet.
>>>>>>>>> Regards!
>>>>>>>>> -Qin
>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>>> From: "Shida Schubert" <>
>>>>>>>>> To: "Varun Singh" <>
>>>>>>>>> Cc: "Alan Clark" <>; "Qin Wu"
>>>>>>>>> <>; "xrblock" <>
>>>>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2012 8:13 AM
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [xrblock] WGLC for
>>>>>>>>> draft-ietf-xrblock-rtcp-xr-discardandxrblock-rtcp-xr-discard-rle-metrics
>>>>>>>>> So my question was..
>>>>>>>>> From what I can read, currently we have four types.
>>>>>>>>> 1. early ony
>>>>>>>>> 2. late only
>>>>>>>>> 3. both (late / early)
>>>>>>>>> 4. other (discarded to duplicate etc.)
>>>>>>>>> According to my understanding based on Qin's response.
>>>>>>>>> When there is an occurrence of 4 along with 1,2 or 3, you
>>>>>>>>> need to have 2 report blocks.
>>>>>>>>> 1 and 4, 2 and 4 or 3 and 4.. since we don't have a way
>>>>>>>>> to express these combination currently..
>>>>>>>>> This is based on my assumption that other is distinguished
>>>>>>>>> from early or late Or is it used when duplicate packet arrives
>>>>>>>>> early or late?
>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>> Shida
>>>>>>>>> On Jul 6, 2012, at 8:34 PM, Varun Singh wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 1:51 PM, Alan Clark <>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Shida
>>>>>>>>>>> You could have all three types of discard occurring within a single
>>>>>>>>>>> stream.
>>>>>>>>>>> For example - if RTP replication is used for resilience then every
>>>>>>>>>>> interval
>>>>>>>>>>> would have the same number of duplicate/other packets as data packets and
>>>>>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>>>> there is a high level of jitter then there would also be late packets,
>>>>>>>>>>> early
>>>>>>>>>>> packets or both.
>>>>>>>>>> I agree that one of early, late or others or any combination of the
>>>>>>>>>> three is a valid reporting case.
>>>>>>>>>> Perhaps there needs to be only a clarification on when to use early
>>>>>>>>>> and late or combined early and late.
>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Varun
>>>>>>>>>>> Best Regards
>>>>>>>>>>> Alan
>>>>>>>>>>> On 7/6/12 5:07 AM, "Shida Schubert" <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> (as contributor)
>>>>>>>>>>>> So does that mean that in a single report block, early and late can
>>>>>>>>>>>> co-exist
>>>>>>>>>>>> when it is described as type "both" but you can't have "other" + early,
>>>>>>>>>>>> "other" + late or "other" + both?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thus, for the same reporting period, you would have separate reporting
>>>>>>>>>>>> block for the above discarded packets combination? If that is the case,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I think this should be explicitly stated in the section where the type
>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>> described.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Also, the draft reads like it is dependent on Measurement Identity based
>>>>>>>>>>>> on the sub-section "number of packets discarded". If that is the case,
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> Mesurement Identity should become a Normative Reference.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>>>>> Shida
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 3, 2012, at 11:09 AM, Qin Wu wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> That's what I think, thank for your clarification.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Qin
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: "Alan Clark" <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> To: "Dan (Dan)" <>; "Qin Wu" <>;
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Shida
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Schubert" <>; "xrblock" <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cc: <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, July 02, 2012 7:49 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [xrblock] WGLC for
>>>>> draft-ietf-xrblock-rtcp-xr-discardandxrblock-rtcp-xr-discard-rle-metric>>>>>>>>
>>>>> s
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Dan
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are some implementations of RTP that send duplicate packets (in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cases every packet) in order to provide a simple form of FEC.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Reporting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> duplicate packets as "duplicates" can allow the user to determine what
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> proportion of lost packets are being concealed by the process.  For
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> example,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if I send 1000 packets but duplicate these in order to provide FEC -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> knowing that 900 duplicate packets were discarded tells me that the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> network
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> packet loss rate was 10%.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The reason that RFC3611 excluded duplicates was that the discard count
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intended to show what effect late/early arriving packets were having
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> quality perceived by the user.  Discarded duplicates have no effect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whereas
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a discarded late packet causes a "hole" in the decoded stream that has
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> repaired by PLC
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is useful to report discards of duplicate packets "separately from"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> early/late arrival discard count. They should not be combined into the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> counter.  This means that the early/late arrival discard count would
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> consistent with RFC3611 but there is an additional count of discarded
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> duplicate packets
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best Regards
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alan
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 7/2/12 6:52 AM, "Dan (Dan)" <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Qin,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for your response.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am fine with your proposed resolutions with the exception of item
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The resolution proposed by you suggests including packets 'thrown
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> away
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> before playout (e.g., packet duplication or redundancy)' in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> discard
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> count metric. This would make the discard count metric inconsistent
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the discard rate metric defined in section 4.7.1 of RFC 3611 which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> explicitly excludes duplicate packet discards.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Am I the only one (exaggeratedly) concerned by this inconsistency? I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would love to hear other opinions.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dan
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (speaking as contributor)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: Qin Wu []
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Friday, June 29, 2012 6:33 AM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To: Romascanu, Dan (Dan); Shida Schubert; xrblock
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cc:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [xrblock] WGLC for draft-ietf-xrblock-rtcp-xr-
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> discardandxrblock-rtcp-xr-discard-rle-metrics
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,Dan:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank for your valuable review to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> draft-ietf-xrblock-rtcp-xr-discard.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please see my replies inline.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Qin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: "Romascanu, Dan (Dan)" <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To: "Shida Schubert" <>; "xrblock"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cc: <>;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <draft-ietf-xrblock-
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2012 8:02 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [xrblock] WGLC for draft-ietf-xrblock-rtcp-xr-
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> discardandxrblock-rtcp-xr-discard-rle-metrics
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (as contributor)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I read the documents and they look almost ready for submission to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IESG.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here are a few comments on draft-ietf-xrblock-rtcp-xr-discard:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. It would be useful I think to say more about the relation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> between
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this metric and the discard rate metric defined in section 4.7.1 of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RFC
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3611. Maybe calling the metric here Discarded Packets metric would
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> help,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as both RFC 3611 and this document refer to 'discard metric' but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> two
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are different (one is rate, the other packets).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [Qin]: Good point, I propose to change 'discard metric' in this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> document
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> into 'discard count  metric' since
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> abstract in this draft also uses 'discard count metric'.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To make this consistent with SDP parameter defined in this document,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also like to propose to do the following change
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OLD TEXT:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> xr-format =/ xr-pd-block
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> xr-pd-block = "pkt-dscrd"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NEW TEXT:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> xr-format =/ xr-pdc-block
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> xr-pdc-block = "pkt-dscrd-count"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. In Section 3.1 diagram we use NBGD for Block Type, while the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> text
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Section 3.2 refers to the ND constant. We should get to a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> consistent
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> representation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [Qin]: It is a typo and will fix this by changing NBGD into ND.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Section 2.1:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  A packet that arrives within
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  this time window but is too early or late to be played out
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shall
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  be regarded as discarded.  A packet shall be classified as one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  received (or OK), discarded or lost.  The Discard Metric counts
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  only discarded packets.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Section 3.1 however includes:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     00: packets are discarded due to other reasons than late
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     arrival, early arrival, or both (e.g., duplicate, redundant
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     packets).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This seems inconsistent.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [Qin]: Good question. To make them consistent, I propose do the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> following change to Section 2.1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OLD TEXT:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  A packet that arrives within
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   this time window but is too early or late to be played out shall
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   be regarded as discarded.  A packet shall be classified as one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   received (or OK), discarded or lost.  The Discard Metric counts
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  only discarded packets.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NEW TEXT:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A packet that arrives within
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this time window but is too early or late to be played out
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or is thrown away before playout (e.g., packet duplication or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> redundancy)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shall be regarded as discarded.  A packet shall be classified as one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> received (or OK), discarded or lost.  The Discard Count Metric
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> counts
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only discarded packets.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4. Is there any reasons for the Interval Metric flag (I) to be 2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bits,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rather than one bit, with the other one reserved?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [Qin]: Good question, I remembered we got a suggestion on the list
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> before from Kevin Gross which suggested to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> remove Sampled metric related description from the definition of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interval Metric flag. Since Sampled metric is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> measured only at a particular time instant however metrics defined
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this document is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> measured over one or several reporting intervals.To get in line with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> defintion
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the Interval Metric flag in other XR BLOCK drafts and address
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> comment,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I propose the following change to the defintion of the interval
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> metric
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> flag:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OLD TEXT:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interval Metric flag (I): 2 bits
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   This field is used to indicate whether the Discard metric is an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Interval or Cumulative metric, that is, whether the reported
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   values applies to the most recent measurement interval duration
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   between successive metrics reports (I=10) (the Interval
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Duration)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   or to the accumulation period characteristic of cumulative
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   measurements (I=11) (the Cumulative Duration).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NEW TEXT:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interval Metric flag (I): 2 bits
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   This field is used to indicate whether the Discard Count Metric
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Interval or Cumulative metric, Sample metric,that is, whether
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reported
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   values applies to the most recent measurement interval duration
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   between successive metrics reports (I=10) (the Interval
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Duration)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   or to the accumulation period characteristic of cumulative
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   measurements (I=11) (the Cumulative Duration) or is a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   sampled instantaneous value (I=01) (Sampled Value). In this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> document,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Discard Count Metric is not measured at a particular time
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> instant
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but over
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   one or several reporting intervals. Therefore Discard Count
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Metric
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MUST not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   be chosen as Sampled Metric.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5. number of packets discarded:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If the measured value exceeds 0xFFFFFFFD, the value 0xFFFFFFFE
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  SHOULD be reported to indicate an over-range measurement.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why is this a SHOULD and not a MUST? Are there any exceptions?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [Qin]: No,  I will use MUST based on your comment.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6. In the IANA Considerations section:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> s/ The contact information for the registrations is/ The following
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> contact information is provided for all registrations in this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> document/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [Qin]: Okay.
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