[xrblock] WANTED - note takers and jabber scribes for the meeting next week
"Romascanu, Dan (Dan)" <dromasca@avaya.com> Wed, 05 November 2014 13:57 UTC
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From: "Romascanu, Dan (Dan)" <dromasca@avaya.com>
To: xrblock <xrblock@ietf.org>
Thread-Topic: WANTED - note takers and jabber scribes for the meeting next week
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Subject: [xrblock] WANTED - note takers and jabber scribes for the meeting next week
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Hi, I order to start in time and to makes the best use of the time in the meeting next week, I would like for volunteers to step up for the following important tasks: - Taking notes in the meeting which will be used for the meeting minutes - we need two note takers - Scribing on Jabber - mostly with the purpose of getting questions and comments from people who are remote - we need one Jabber scribe, it's a very important task at this meeting, as we estimate that there will be a higher rate than usual of remote participants. We cannot start the meeting without these three people in the room! Please volunteer - your support will be appreciated. Thanks and Regards, Dan
- [xrblock] WANTED - note takers and jabber scribes… Romascanu, Dan (Dan)
- [xrblock] WANTED - note takers and jabber scribes… Romascanu, Dan (Dan)