[OAUTH-WG] Implicit flow in the Security BCP draft -14

Aaron Parecki <aaron@parecki.com> Wed, 12 February 2020 23:43 UTC

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Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2020 15:43:30 -0800
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Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Implicit flow in the Security BCP draft -14
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Hi all, I'm reading through the latest draft of the Security BCP, and
noticed something I was hoping to get some clarification on. From the
latest draft -14 section 2.1.2:

>    In order to avoid these issues, clients SHOULD NOT use the implicit
>    grant (response type "token") or other response types issuing access
>    tokens in the authorization response, unless access token injection
>    in the authorization response is prevented and the aforementioned
>    token leakage vectors are mitigated.

My understanding is that there is no way to prevent access token
injection in the authorization response with just OAuth. It's only
once you introduce OpenID Connect that it becomes possible to prevent
ID token injection.

If my understanding is correct, then it seems like it would be more
appropriate for the security BCP to say something like "access tokens
MUST NOT be issued via the implicit grant." That would technically
still leave open the possibility of using the hybrid response types in
OIDC as long as the access token is delivered via the authorization
code exchange, but clarifies that there is no way to protect the
delivering access tokens via the implicit grant.

So my question for the list is am I forgetting about some way to
prevent this attack in OAuth? If not, can we rephrase this section of
the Security BCP to better clarify the intent here?

Aaron Parecki